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Narrator's POV

The sound of skin pounding skin and the moans and grunts of a good love making session were the only sounds. Yes there was the occasional shout of a name but Zak's and Elizabeth's mouths were busy being connected to the other.

After what seems like forever but in fact was a mind boggling forty five minutes they both came and Zak pulled out and laid next to Elizabeth. Both are panting and are sweaty.

"Holy fuck," said Elizabeth as she ran her hand through her hair "That was fucking amazing. I don't know if I can walk right now."

Zak chuckled "Good to know," he said.

"I think I want to take that bath now," she said.

"Okay," he said kissing her jawline.

They slipped from the bed and head for the headed to the bathroom.

Zak's POV

After our bath we are snuggled underneath the blankets in our pajamas.

"Let's do a movie night," said Elizabeth.

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

"Good," she said with a smile as she bit her lip looking up at me "Can it be a Musical?"

"Babe you know how I feel about those," I said.

"Pwease?" she asked pouting at me and looking at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Okay fine," I said playfully rolling my eyes.

"Thanks," she said kissing my jawline.

"Oh please," I said with a soft smile towards Elizabeth "You can get away with anything you want and you know that."

"I know," she said with a grin "So how about you go pop some popcorn and get other snacks and I will meet you in the theater?" she smirks "Pwease."

"I do have a popcorn maker in the movie theater but I will go get our other movie theater snacks," I said with a wink.

"Thanks," she said as she got up and grabbed a blanket "Meet you there," a smirk on her face.

"Oh lord I am sitting through an all day marathon of musicals aren't I?" I asked.

"Maybe," she said and skipped from the room.

"Babe!" I said to her retreating back.

"That's my name Love. Now make popcorn and get snacks. You promised  movie musicals and that's what we're getting!!!" she sing songs.

I shook my head as Elizabeth let's face it could get her way with me the moment I laid my eyes on her.

Narrator's POV

She was setting up the musicals, the ones that she knew Zak liked even if he didn't admit it. So on the docket Rent, Little Shop Of Horrors, Chicago, Grease, Rocky Horror Picture Show , Bye Bye Birdie (with Ann-Margaret and Dick Van Dyke), Mama Mia!  and West Side Story.

Zak came into the room as Elizabeth danced around the room with her musicals playlist playing. He smiled as she danced to I Have Dreamed from The King and I.

Zak sat the tray of snacks and drinks down. She continues to dance and now she was singing along as he quietly got the popcorn ready he was getting a kick out of her singing. Once she finished the song he began clapping causing her to jump and hold her chest.

"Oh my God," she said as she looks at him "How long have you been there?"

"Long enough to know you have dreamed," he said.

Elizabeth blushed and covered her face "Oh my God," she mumbled.

"Hey," said Zak as he took her hands into his "I think it's adorable how you can care less about how goofy you look."

"Zak," she said with a soft sigh as Honey, Honey from the Mama Mia! soundtrack and he pulled her to him and he began dancing with her "Zak," she giggled.

"There's my smile," he said with a wink.

Elizabeth's POV

I rolled my eyes "You will do anything to make me smile huh?" I asked.

"Yes," said Zak as I grabbed his face and kissed him "Now can we please watch the musicals?!"

"Okay fine," he said with a smirk as he pulled me into the chair with him.

"Zak," I giggled as the music was still playing "I have to stop my playlist."

"Babe you forget. Alexa stop the music!" he said.

The music stopped and he smiled at me "Oh yeah," I said as he wrapped his arms around my waist "But Zak the popcorn, snacks and drinks are up on the first level and besides I made our snuggle space on the love seat," I  pointed to the love seat above two of the red chairs.

"Oh okay," he said.

Zak's POV

I stood up and carried her to the love seat sitting her down gently and got our movie supplies before sitting beside her and she snuggled into me as she pulled the blanket over her bare legs. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders as she laid her head against my shoulder.

"So what's up first?" I asked starting the projector.

"Ummm I can't remember the order they're in," she said a bit fretful.

"Don't worry," I said as the opening strands of Bye Bye Birdie came out of the speakers.

"I guess Bye Bye Birdie is up first," she giggled as she took some popcorn and ate it.

"Oh I actually like this movie," I said.

"I knew it!!" she giggled "You may not be like me and love almost every musical I see. But you still love some."

"Well not as much as I love you," I said looking at her and kissing the tip of her nose.

"Right back at you," she said with a wink.

She laid her head back onto my shoulder and snuggled against me as we ate popcorn and watched the movies.

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