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Elizabeth's POV

I pulled into the driveway and before I even got out or turned off the car Zak pulled in next to me "Hey Gracie Daddy just got home," I said as we got out of the car at the same time Zak got out.

"Hey Babe," he said with a smile as I ran over to him and hugged him tightly.

"How was the meeting?" I asked as he kissed me.

"Productive," he said with a smile.

"So we have some time before we need to really go out for dinner and the drive in,"  I said as I ran a hand up his chest.

"Yeah," he said as he put his hands on my hips "So what is going through  that beautiful mind of yours."

I smiled as the rain drops began to come down and hit our faces. Gracie ran to the front door and began barking like mad. So Zak and I ran towards our front door just as the skies open up.

"Let Gracie in," I said.

"Okay," said Zak raising an eyebrow "Why can't we go in?"

"Because there is something I have always wanted to do," I said.

"Alright," he said as he unlocks the door and let Gracie in. She ran to where she always hid when it rained "Now what do you want to do Babe?"

Zak's POV

Elizabeth pulled me out into the pouring rain "This," she said wrapping her arms around my neck and connecting our lips.

I pulled her close by wrapping my arms around her waist and deepened the kiss. As we came for air "I like the way you think," I said as I looked down at her. Her hair is matted to the sides of her face and her face was dripping wet.

"Well I always wanted to do that well ever since I saw The Notebook,  " she giggled.

"You my Dear are a nerd," I said stealing a kiss.

"And yet my Dear love me," she said smiling and standing on tip toe to steal a kiss.

"As you love me," I said "But what do you say we go in and take a nice hot bath?"

 "On one condition," she said with a smile.

"What's that?" I said.

"Car," she began before I picked her up and put her on my shoulder "Zak!"

"What?" I said as I walked to our front door and into the house.

"Thanks for the view," she said smacking my ass.

"BABE!!!" I said.

"What?" she said and I swear I heard the smirk in her voice "Tell me to stop."

"Don't want to," I said.

"I knew you wouldn't," she said smacking my ass again and giggling as I climbed the stairs to our second floor.

"Well two can play this game," I said smacking her ass.

"BABE!!!!" she said with a giggle.

"Tell me to stop," I said.

"I don't want to," she said as I opened the door to our bedroom.

I smirked "I knew you'd say that," I said.

Zak set Elizabeth on the floor and she smiled at him. 

"So," she said as she began removing her wet clothes "I  guess I will meet you in the bathroom?"

Zak licked his lips as he watched her strip down to absolutely nothing but a smile "Yeah," he said as he began to remove his clothes.

Elizabeth giggled as she went into the master bathroom to begin to run the water. Zak came in and as she stood after putting in the bubble bath "Light the candles," she said as he pulled her to him and began to kiss her neck.

"As you wish," said Zak as he went back into the bedroom to grab the match box from there.

Elizabeth is testing the water as Zak came back in and  lit the candles around the bathtub. They had been having joint baths since they came back and have enjoyed them so much neither one has actually taken a bath alone since or a shower for that matter. Elizabeth used a butterfly clip to pull her long hair up off her shoulders . Zak climbed in first and then helped Elizabeth in. She relaxed back into him and laid her head on his shoulder . He kissed her cheek. They relaxed  in the tub and listened to the rain come down outside.

"Zak?" she said. 

"Yeah Babe," he said kissing the side of her head.

"Can we get out?" she said "I am starting to prune."

"Yeah," he said  with a laugh.

Elizabeth giggled as she stood up and let herself drip dry before stepping out of the tub and Zak followed her he wrapped a huge towel around her before kissing her cheek. She smiled as she wrapped the towel around her body and Zak wrapped one around his waist before they walked into their bedroom.

"So," said Zak "We still have time until we have to get ready and we are already naked."

Elizabeth giggled as she dropped her towel "You must be a mind reader," she said as she grabbed his towel and pulled it off.

Hey as a new couple and a couple that wasted nearly two decades of not being together in every way possible they were making up for lost time.

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