97 4 14

August 29,2017

Zak's POV

Gracie and I are coming into Elizabeth's and my bedroom with two surprises. She is still sound asleep in our bed looking like an angel wrapped up in the blanket. I placed the two small dogs on the bed and they jumped on Elizabeth with the help of Gracie.

Elizabeth gasped and opened her eyes to see Paxtin and Misty along with Gracie "Zak both?" she said with a smile.

"Of course they both get along with Gracie so why not," I said as I sat down next to her. 

She quickly sat up and wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed my lips "Thank you Honey," she said as we drew back from the kiss as Paxtin and Misty both climbed into her lap. Gracie looks at the two dogs currently residing in Elizabeth's lap "Oh Gracie. Mommy could never ever forget you," she strokes Gracie before scratching her behind the ear "You'll always be my number one baby."

Gracie looks at Elizabeth and placed her head on Elizabeth's knee. I melted at how Gracie looks at her. Elizabeth turned and looks at me with a soft smile.

"So do you like your presents?" I asked.

"No I love them," she said as she leaned over and captured my lips with hers. 

"I am glad but the day isn't over," I said "Pax and Misty are only the beginning," 

She smiles at me "So I should save my thanking you until the end of the day?" she asked with a smirk.

"Well I mean if you want to or we could," I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"Oh so you want to be thanked multiple times today?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I did not say that," I said wagging my finger at her "You did."

"Well," she said cupping my face "I could show you how happy I am with Pax and Misty but well," she looks at the dogs curled up in her lap and Gracie on her knee.

"Well I can easily help you with that," I said taking Paxtin and Misty from her lap before whistling for Gracie. I place them outside our door and all three looked at me "Sorry guys Mom and I are," I smiled at the dogs.

"Zak are you trying to explain to the dogs what we are about to do?" laughed Elizabeth from the bed.

"Well I don't want Pax and Misty to think I am killing you," I said.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Maybe Gracie can explain Daddy isn't hurting Mommy," she said with a smirk "Because Mommy might hurt Daddy if he doesn't get that fine ass into this bed so she can show him how happy she is for Pax and Misty."

I chuckled as I begin to shut the door on a very confused looking Paxtin and Misty. Gracie just gave me a look. You know that looked like she was judging us. Almost like really Dad you and Mom are at that again?! "I promise guys Mom and I are showing each other how much we love each other and we will see you soon."

Zak shuts the door and walked over to the bed. I smiled and quickly pulled him into the bed with me.

"Eager are we?" asked Zak as I connected our lips.

"Mmmhmm," I said  as Zak rolled me to my back never once breaking our lip lock "Zak," I gasped as he rolled on top of me.

"What?" he said with a smile looking down at me.

"Nothing," I said with a smile before pulling him to me and connecting our lips again. 

Zak's POV

I pushed myself up essentially almost as if I was doing a push up over her "I love you and Happy Birthday," I said.

"I love you too. Now shut the fuck up and make love to me," she said.

"As you wish," I said as I wrapped my arms around her and connected our lips. I slowly moved down from her lips to her jawline and to the spot I know drives her wild.

"Zak," she giggled as she wrapped her legs around me and flipping us and she was on top. She takes off her tank top that she uses as her pajama top and threw it on the ground. 

"Mmm Babe," I said "Beautiful," I put my hand on the back of her neck pulling her towards me gently and connected our lips. She ran her tongue along my lower lip and I opened my mouth letting her have access to what she was asking for most.

Our tongues fought for dominance. As she withdrew she bit my lower lip and pulled on it "On my back now," she said.

"As you wish," I said as I flipped us and I straddled her and removed my shirt throwing it in the same direction as she threw her tank top. She ran her hands up my torso and chest before locking her hands behind my neck before pulling me on top of her and connecting our lips. I moved from her lips, down her jawline to her pulse point. 

"Awww fuck Baby that feels so good," moans Elizabeth as I continue to suck and bite on her neck. I stopped kissing her "Why did you stop?!"

"Babe I think we need a few more things off if we are going to make love,"  I said.

She giggled "Then what are you waiting for?" she asked with an arched eyebrow "Make us naked."

I chuckle before slipping off the bed and removing the remaining clothes we had on and boy were we both ready.

Zak rejoins Elizabeth on the bed and covers them up and he covered her with his body and began kissing her lips and her jawline before moving to her pulse pint.

"Protection?" he asked.

"No," she said shaking her head "No protection."

"Okay," said Zak.

He pushed into her slowly causing her to moan in pleasure and her hips bucked up off the bed making him groan in pleasure as he filled her whole. Their rhythmic hip movements cause their headboard to bang loudly against the wall. along with the slapping of skin on skin and the moans, groans and grunts of pleasure filled the room. After a few more hip movements they both came causing Elizabeth to pound the bed in pleasure.

"Holy shit," she said "That was amazing."

They are both sweaty and panting.

"Yah it was,"  said Zak "Now that we are both sweaty how about we take a shower?"

"Why Mr. Bagans you read my mind," said Elizabeth connecting their lips before slipping from the bed "But you have to catch me first."

"You little minx," said Zak giving chase and Elizabeth giggled as they ran into the bathroom. 

After more than just a shower. Elizabeth and Zak get dressed and go to their bedroom door.

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