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December 1995

It had been just over a month since Mandy broke up with Zak but oddly enough Zak wasn't broken hearted.He had leaned on Elizabeth. When she wasn't in school they were constantly together. Hanging out at his Mom's or his Dad's house or Elizabeth's house or at the mall. To people who weren't in the know you'd have sworn they were dating but in fact they weren't.
Today was December 23 and Zak had a few things up his sleeve for Elizabeth. Some things he knew she always wanted to do but never had anyone to do it for her. Well he was ready to spoil his best friend rotten.
Zak drives to Elizabeth's house and after shutting the car off. He walked up the walk way to the door but before he could ring the doorbell or even knock Elizabeth opened the door smiling.
"Hi Z," she said smiling.
"Hi Bizz," he said as he followed her into the house her new dachshund puppies Basil and Sadie came running up to Zak "Basil. Sadie. Where's Lacey?"
Just then a chocolate lab dog about three years old came running into the foyer and knocked Zak over.
"Well you asked where Lacey was," said Elizabeth smiling down at Zak.
Lacey laid on top of Zak and licked him "I missed you too girl even if I did only see you yesterday," he said laughing.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth's giggles have always been music to my ears and today was no different as she grabbed Lacey's collar "Come on girl let Z up," she said with a soft smile at me.Lacey got down and sat next to Elizabeth as she held out a hand "Z," she smiled as I took her hand but instead of letting her help me into a sitting position I pulled her to the floor and began tickling her "Zak stop!!!" as Elizabeth's giggles reverberate around the foyer.
"I'll think about it," I said as I looked down at her and she smiled up at me stopping me in my tracks .
Woah slow down Zak I thought You can't have these feelings for Bizz.
"Zak are you okay?" asked Elizabeth concern stitched her face as she reached up and touched my cheek gently.
I sat up quickly and stood just as quickly "Yeah I am fine," I said nervously before sticking my hand out which Elizabeth took and I helped her to her feet .

Elizabeth's POV

"Zak," I said putting my hand on his chest and his heart was racing a mile a minute "You don't seem alright. Your heart is racing."
Zak looked down at me and took a deep breath "I promise you I am fine," he said touching my cheek before kissing my forehead "Now are you ready?"
I nodded "Do you want some lunch before we leave?" I asked.
Zak shook his head 'no' "No thank you. I have something planned for the two of us for lunch," he pointed between us "Okay."
I smiled and nodded "Okay," I said grabbing my boots and sitting on the steps to slip them on "So are you going to tell me what we are doing today?"
Zak shook his head "Nope," he said pretending to lock his lips.
"Meanie," I pouted.
"Yes," said Zak leaning forward and we are nose to nose "and proud of it," he kissed my forehead "Now grab your jacket and let's get going."
"Hmph fine," I pouted again before standing and grabbing my jacket.
"Hey Miss. Pouty Mcpouterson it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you," said Zak a smirk painting his lips.
"I know but you could give me a teeny tiny bit of a hint can't you?" I asked batting my eyelashes.
"I would if I could but I can't," he said booping my nose.
"Fine," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

Zak's POV

I raised an eyebrow "Oh is that your game?" I asked.
"Yes," said Elizabeth crossing her arms over her chest and smirks.
"Is that so?" I asked as I stepped forward pinning her against the door looking down at her. Her breath quickening as she looked up at me. She licked her lips and let out a slow breath. I swallowed hard looking at her before taking a step back. Fighting my emotions was going to be hard. I will freely admit if Elizabeth was older I would have already asked her out and hopefully she'd already be my girlfriend but alas she isn't and our feelings that I think we both clearly have are going to have to be suppressed. I shook my head to remove cobwebs "Are you ready?"
Elizabeth nodded and gulped slightly "I think I am. As long as you don't do that again," she said stepping away from the door.
"Agreed," I said opening the door "Bizz."
"Thank you Zak," she said smiling softly.

Zak did indeed keep his word he didn't do that whole pinning her to anything anymore. But he did take her ice skating something she had always wanted to do.He also took her sledding and had a lunch set up at a cute little café in town. Yes she had blast and yes he was happy seeing her smiling. He made a vow at the end of the day he would always surprise her every December 23rd. That was going to be their day at Christmas time. Yes he had other presents for her for actual Christmas Day which was a locket he found in Las Vegas and a photo album he made especially for her. She loved it. Ironically enough Elizabeth gave Zak a engraved ID bracelet and a photo album she had made especially for him. To say they were of one mind would be an understatement.

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