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July 4, 2017

Elizabeth's POV

"Honey," I said as I slowly shook him awake.

"Five more minutes," he said pulling the sheet over his head.

"Honey," I said tugging at the sheet.

"Babe," he said "Please."

"Zak," I said as I crawled under the sheet and snaked my way up his body. We are now nose to nose.

"Babe," he said before he felt my weight on him and when he did he opened his eyes he smiled "Hey."

"Hey," I said "You and I have to get up we have to go to the grocery store," he snaked his arms around me.

"What if I just want to stay here with you in my arms," he said.

"Well as much as I want to as well. We have to go to the grocery store and get supplies for our fourth of July party," I said "We just have to pick the food up since it's preordered. Then we have to get the booze, pop and water. Then we have to go to the bakery to pick up dessert."

Zak smiled at me "Little Miss. Organization huh," he said as I pulled the sheet off of us.

"You better believe it," I said kissing him as I tried to get up but he held me to him.

"Wait I got my good morning kiss now it's time for your good morning kiss," he said.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth smiled at me as I connected our lips. She ran her tongue along my lower lip and I smirked as I opened my mouth and allowed her the access she was begging for. She brushed her hair behind her ear as our tongues fought for dominance in my mouth and I won.

"Now," said Elizabeth as she lifted her head and looked in my eyes "Let's get up and stop at Kenzie's for breakfast," she smiled "After all I worked up an appetite at five this morning."

She giggled as I unwound my arms from her "Well I wanted to make some fireworks of our own for the fourth of July," I said as she got up.

"Honey you're an idiot," she said with a smile as she pulled out clothes for the day tossing them over the chair to her vanity "I am taking a shower do you want to join?"

"Like you have to ask," I said as I got up and gave chase.

We were naked so no need for clothes to be removed. We stepped into the shower and Elizabeth started the shower. We sat on the built in bench as we waited for the water to heat up. I put my hand on her knee and started moving my hand towards her womanhood. She grabbed my hand and looked at me "Honey what are you doing?" she asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Having a little fun before we take our shower," I said with a smirk.

"Can we save it for the night time?" she asked with a soft smile "Create our own fireworks at night as well."

I chuckled as I placed my hand on her knee "Is it alright if I leave my hand here?" I asked.

"Fine," she said as the water began to hit us telling us it was ready for us to start our shower.

Zak and Elizabeth took their showers and got ready for the day. As they were walking towards Elizabeth's car Zak gets a phone call.

"Hang on Babe," he said as he took the phone call "Hello?"

He stepped away as it was Renee and he knew she was getting things organized for Elizabeth's surprise 35th birthday party.

"Hi Zak," she said.

"What's up?" he said.

"Elizabeth near you?" asked Renee.

"Yep," said Zak.

"Oh okay," said Renee "We booked them," he could hear the smile in her voice "We booked them!!!!"

"Great," said Zak.

Who did they book you may ask? Well Elizabeth's favorite band of all time is The Backstreet Boys. How you may ask did they book them for Elizabeth's 35th birthday party? Well simple Zak told them about their love story. Now how did he tell the band and not a manager or PA? Simple Zak is friends with the guys and yes Elizabeth knows them as well but she didn't know that Zak had worked for the past two months on getting them to come. Now I know you're saying now wait I thought they were having a sock hop theme. It was until Renee pointed out Elizabeth would probably question why she had to get dressed like that if her and Zak were just going out for her birthday dinner . So the theme was dropped.

"Zak?" said Elizabeth "We have to pick up the food at a certain time and I still want to eat breakfast before then. Tell Renee we will see her later."

Zak looks at her "How did?" he began.

"Next time don't let me see the screen Honey," she said.

"Oh," said Zak "Umm Bye Renee we will see you later."

Zak hung up and walked over to the car .

Zak's POV

"So you and Renee are planning something for me huh?" she said smiling at me.

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Uh huh right," she said with a smirk as we got in the car.

"Babe seriously," I said.

"Zak," she said looking at me with an arched eyebrow.

"Babe," I said smiling at her she had my number and I admit it freely "Okay she is helping me with something special and yes it's for you but that's all I am saying. Got it?"

"Fine," she pouted "But it's not fair you know."

"What's not fair?" I asked with a raised eyebrow "You not knowing what I have planned for you?"

"Yes," she said "You used to tell me everything."

"Yes and I still do but when it's something for you I will not," I said leaning over and kissing her pouty lips.

"Not fair," she said "You know when you kiss me I can't stay mad at you."

I chuckled "Exactly," I said.

"Meanie," she said as a smile formed on her lips "But you're my meanie."

"That's right ," I said as I pulled into Kenzie's.

Zak and Elizabeth had breakfast before finishing the errands. After the errands they returned home to set up for their fourth of July BBQ.

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