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Elizabeth's POV

"So tell me," said Raya with a smirk as she started her Range Rover "How was your first time with Zak?"

I blushed and I know I did as I felt my cheeks grow warm.

"Are you blushing?" asked Becky with a smirk.

"Stop," I said.

"Oh my God you're so cute!!!!" said Renee.

"Awww," said Ashley.

"So how was it?" asked Raya wiggling her eyebrows.

"What time?" I said once again blushing.

"Jesus how many times did you go at it?" asked Becky.

"Well we were up until four am," I said.

"God Damn," said Raya.

"Holy shit," said Renee and Ashley.

"Well you asked," I said.

"Well now I am sorry I did," said Raya with a smirk.

"Sorry,"  I said with a laugh "But you asked Raya. When did you become the prude of our girl group?" 

"I just didn't expect you two to go from zero to sixty in a matter of a day," said Raya

"Well did we really go from zero to sixty in one day? We took twenty three years to get to this place and time," I said.

"Guess that's true," said Raya.

Zak's POV

"Well here we are," said Billy as we pulled up to Willow Creek Insane Asylum and he stopped. Elizabeth came up to the car and smiled at me. I put my window down.

"Hi Babe," she said.

"Hey," I said.

Everyone else looks at Willow Creek Asylum.

"Holy shit," said Colby from the back "I didn't realize it was so big."

"That's what she said," said Elizabeth sticking her head into my open window before she captured my lips with hers.

"You're horrible you know that right?" I said returning the kiss.

"Yeah but you still love me," she said with a smile.

"And I always will," I said with a smile as she stepped back and I got out.

"Right back at you," said Elizabeth wrapping her arms around my waist as I did the same to her.

She looks at me before I kiss her nose "Okay one last kiss before we have to be professional so you better make it count," I said.

 "Well then what are you waiting for?" she asked.

I laughed and I leaned down and connected our lips and she deepened it rather quickly.

"Zak? Elizabeth?" said Aaron "The owner just pulled into the long driveway you have like five minutes to break that up."

Elizabeth smiled into the kiss "What do you say Zak," she said against my lips "Time to break this?"

"Hmmm one more kiss," I said into the kiss.

"GUYS!!!!!" yells Aaron and we immediately break the kiss.

We looked at him "Sorry," we said as I wiped Elizabeth's lipstick from my lips.

The owner of Willow Creek Insane Asylum pulled up behind Raya's Range Rover and stepped out. She stretched and looks over at Zak and Elizabeth.

"Zak?" she said.

Elizabeth and Zak are both shocked to find standing before them his ex girlfriend the one he failed to mention to Elizabeth .

"Mandy?" said Zak.

"Hey,"  she said running over and  trying to hug him.

"I thought a guy named Roger owned this place," said Zak as he stepped back.

"That's my Daddy," she said "But he couldn't come so he asked me. I don't think he knew you were my ex, " Elizabeth stood there dumbfounded and she looked at Renee, Becky,  Ashley and Raya who all look at her wide eyed before Elizabeth cleared her throat "Oh hi you must be Zak's PA. I am Mandy."

"I know who you are," said Elizabeth "You're Zak's first girlfriend in college."

"Yes," said Mandy flipping her long blonde hair over her shoulder and trying to touch Zak's arm "He must of told you about me."

"Not exactly," said Elizabeth making a face "I have actually met  you. I am Zak's best friend the one he failed to tell me about," she stood up straight and crossed her arms. 

"Oh my God Elizabeth?" said Mandy "You two are still friends?"

"Well," said Zak "We are actually a lot more than friends," he smiled at Elizabeth before taking her hand "We are actually officially boyfriend and girlfriend."

Elizabeth smiled widely  at Zak and well you could have about knocked Mandy over with a feather as she had gained an inflated ego over the years and she was convinced that Zak had never got over her "You're what?" asked Mandy screeching.

"We are a couple," said Zak putting his arm around Elizabeth's waist.

"Well," said Mandy clicking her tongue before looking at Zak "I guess we are done here then," They watched Mandy stride to her Mercedes Benz and get in she started backing up before waving Billy over. Billy nodded and backed away from the car.

As they watched her pull back down the driveway Billy came over to the stunned couple "She said she's send her brother," he said  "He lives about five minutes away. So should we stay here or go grab some food?"

Aaron's POV

"Stay here I guess," said Zak removing his cap as Elizabeth ran her fingers through his hair before she cupped his face in her hands.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

"Hey," said Zak grabbing her hands and kissing the palms "It's not your fault. It seems like I dodged a bullet with Mandy. She is even more artificial than she was in college. I don't even know what I saw in her."

"Boobs," said Elizabeth with a smirk.

Zak laughed before kissing Elizabeth on the lips.

"Is everything okay?" I asked.

 "Yeah," said Zak "How about we take a walk around the grounds while we wait for her brother."

Elizabeth smiled at Zak "Can we walk alone?" she asked with smirk.

"If you want," he said.

"What do you think?" she asked.

Zak laughed and they walked away from us.

"Well I guess we wait here," I said.

Zak and Elizabeth walked away from the group and sat on a bench near the entrance.  He put an arm around her shoulders as she laid her head on his shoulder. 

"Zak," she said looking up at him through her eyelashes.

Zak looks at her "Yes," he said.

"You're not leaving me tonight right?" she asked.

"Nope," he said  connecting their lips.

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