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Zak's POV

After Mom and Meredith left. I took Elizabeth in my arms and she buried her face into my chest.

"Hey," I said as I held her.

"What?" she mumbled against my chest.

"Look at me," I said.

She lifted her head and looked at me "Yes?" she softly whispered "Are you mad at me?"

I looked at her and shook my head "I could never be mad at you. Maybe disappointed but right now I am not that either," I said cupping her face as tears fell.

"But I-I-I ruined your birthday," she pouts.

"You ruined nothing," I said as my own tears started to fall "You thinking of me when you didn't have to."

"Zak I will always think of you," she whispered "You are my everything."

"And you are my everything," I said slowly kissing her "And this birthday party is perfect because I get to spend it with you."

"Zak," she choked out as tears made it difficult for her to speak.

I just wrapped my arms around her and held her close. When someone knocked on our bedroom door.

Aaron pokes his head in "Jay just arrived," he said "And he brought a date."

Elizabeth pulled back from me and looked up at me. He mouth slightly opened "I thought after the whole Morgan thing," she said shaking her head.

"I know," I said.

"Guys and she is such a sweetheart," said Aaron grabbing our hands and pulling us out of the room.

"Woah. Whiplash," said Elizabeth.

"Sorry," said Aaron letting go of our hands.

We followed him downstairs as Jay and his date stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"Elizabeth. Zak. I would like to introduce you to my lady friend Summer Patrick. Summer. This is Elizabeth Stachura and Zak Bagans," said Jay with a smile.

Summer was just a smidge shorter than Elizabeth and had brownish hair that she wore straight and went past her shoulders.

"Nice to meet you Summer," said Elizabeth "But excuse me I have to actually freshen up now."

"We will be right back," I said.

"Are they okay?" asked Summer.

Jay nodded and kissed her temple "Zak just recently lost his Dad and Elizabeth just recently lost her Mom so they're still navigating that harsh reality," said Jay.

"Sorry for your losses," said Summer.

"Thank you," said Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's POV

Once we were back upstairs I washed my face and changed into a pair of jeans and a black ribbed sweater. I paired it with my silver locket Zak gave to me.

As I was brushing my hair to pull it into a ponytail Zak comes out of his closet with a new set of clothes on to.

"There I feel a bit better being in clothes we haven't cried in," he said.

"So do I. But we soon have to stop or we are going to be constantly naked," I said.

"Well I don't see a problem with that," he smirked.

"You wouldn't but the world around us would," I said pinning my hair up "Now should we go downstairs?"

"I would love too my Dear," he said offering me his arm.

I smiled and thread my arm through his.

The music is playing downstairs and it's the Spotify Playlist Soundtrack Love Songs with the song Fade Into You by Mazzy Star. Zak waves a hand to where Aaron and Victoria and Jay and Summer are dancing.

I nodded as he led me to the dance floor. I laid my head on his chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him wrap his arms around my waist pulling me close. Our bodies melting into one as we danced.

"Zak?" I said as I lifted my head to look at him.

"Bizz," he said.

"Happy Birthday," I whisper.

"Thank you and by the way thank you for being my everyday present," he said "Every day I get to spend with you is a dream come true and an absolute gift always."

Kiss From A Rose by Seal began as I stood on my tip toes and connected our lips

"You are my forever Valentine. My one and only," I said as I broke the kiss and smiled at him.

He smiled back before kissing my forehead "Let's grab a slice of pizza and some salad," he said.

I nodded as we went to go grab some food.

The party was a success after my slight melt down. Zak got presents from everyone including me. A trip to Sadona, Arizona, just the two of us for two weeks in three days time.

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