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February 2017

Friendsitine Day has rolled around again. What's Friendsitine Day you may ask? It's the day Zak and Elizabeth came up with that replaced Valentine's Day. Zak always treats Elizabeth to a bouquet of flowers and Elizabeth always makes Zak a cake.
The morning of Friendsitine Day. Zak walks into the reason Elizabeth wanted their new house, the state of the art kitchen. Elizabeth is listening and dancing to Backstreet Boys on Spotify while making breakfast for the two of them.
"Show you the shape of my heart!!!!" sang Elizabeth as she put her breakfast casserole into the oven.
Zak leaned against the kitchen island with his mug of tea in his hand. He smiles as Elizabeth hasn't realized that he was in the kitchen yet as she continued to sing and dance. When she spun around she screamed and  jumped a mile when she saw him.
"You're cute you know that?" asked Zak .
Elizabeth blushed "How long have you been there?" she said.
"Long enough," he said with a smile putting his mug down on the island before wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her to him as I Need You Tonight came on. He laced his fingers with hers and began dancing.
"Z what are you doing?" asked Elizabeth as they sway to the music.
"What does it look like I am doing?" he asked as he spun her.
"Zak," she said as she tried to walk away but he spun her into him and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Bizz come on we always dance on Friendsitine Day," he said smiling.
"I know. But that's at the club and not in the middle of our kitchen," she said smiling up at him but still swaying with him.
"I think we need to change that?" he said.

Zak's POV

"Oh you do. Do you?" asked Elizabeth laying her head on my chest as we danced .
"Yeah I think we have dance parties from here on out in our house," I said.
"I like that," said Elizabeth smiling up at me "Because I do like dancing with you Zak even if you do step on my feet constantly."
"Haha," I said as I stepped on her foot.
"Ow!" she said "See."
"Sorry Bizz," I said cupping her face in my hands and held her there as we stared into each other's eyes.
"It's fine," said Elizabeth smiling up at me. When she smiled at me and I melted. Before I knew it I was leaning in and kissing her on the lips "Zak!" she pulled back from me "What are you doing?"
"I uh," I said rubbing my neck "I'm sorry."
Elizabeth bit her lip and looked at me as she reached up and caressed my cheek "It's fine," she said "I don't mind. And well I wouldn't mind," she connected our lips again. I quickly picked her up and put her on the island before going in between her legs as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I connect our lips again and I slowly pushed her tank top up her torso. I started down her jaw to her neck as she tilts her head back I kissed her throat and I felt a moan against my lips "Zak," she moans as she ran her fingers through my hair.
"Elizabeth," I said as she pushed my t-shirt up my torso.
"Zak make love to me," she said.
I stopped and stepped back "I-I-I-I-I can't," I said.

Elizabeth's POV

"You can't or you won't," I said jumping off the island and pushing my tank top down "because there is a difference Zachary."
"Bizz," said Zak trying to grab my arm.
"Don't," I said walking over to the oven "Just don't."
Zak grabbed me and turned me towards him "I can't give you what you need or want. At least not yet," he said.
I sighed "Then when huh?!" I said folding my arms over my chest "If you haven't fucking noticed you'll be forty this year and I will be thirty five. We aren't getting any younger."
Zak sighs and ran a hand down his face "I know that," he said "I get it okay?! If you want go find someone that can give you everything you need!! Everything I can't !" he yells.
"What if I don't want to?!" I said crying " What if I want to wait?! What if I will wait forever for you. Even if it's our last day on earth," I looked up at him "Zak I will wait."

Zak sighs and looks at Elizabeth "But I am not worth the wait Bizz," he said.
"And what if I think you are?!!" she said still crying " What if I have thought you're worth the wait for the past twenty three years?! What if, " she is stopped by Zak.
"What if. Isn't what you deserve," he said.
"And what if I think I do deserve what if. What if means to me I am more than willing to wait," she said as tears came down her face.
Zak reached up and wiped the tears away "Then I will consider myself the luckiest man on the planet if you do and if you don't then you'll always be the one who truly got away."

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