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Elizabeth's POV

We walked to the car  with the three dogs. Zak wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. 

"After we visit with Mom for awhile. We have to bring the dogs back. I want to take you on a hike and a picnic lunch," he said.

I smiled at him "Can we go riding on ATV's? " I asked.

Zak chuckled "I am rubbing off on you aren't I?" he said.

"Well a bit," I said "But I also want to kick your ass on my birthday."

Zak laughed and shook his head "I kinda guessed that so I already booked us for after our hike and picnic lunch."

I squealed before throwing my arms around Zak's neck and I kissed him on the lips. 

He opened the car door and I got in with the dogs. He rounds the car and we drove to Nancy's place.

Zak's POV

I pulled up in front of my Mom's place and into the drive way. 

We got out and I helped Elizabeth with the dogs. We walked hand in hand towards the door and I rang the doorbell. Mom answered and smiled when she saw us.

"Mom meet your new fur grandbabies Paxtin and Misty," said  Elizabeth with a huge smile.

"Happy Birthday Beth," she said hugging Elizabeth tightly before getting down on bended knee to pet all three dogs "Now come on in," she waved us in as she stood up.

We walked in and after she shut the door we let the dogs off their leashes.

We walked into Mom's living room and sat down. Gracie, Paxtin and Misty followed us and all fought to be near Elizabeth. Elizabeth giggled as she helped Paxtin and Misty up. Gracie lays across her feet. 

"Paxtin," giggled Elizabeth as Paxtin licked her.

Mom smiled "Oh yes," she said "I have a birthday gift for you," she got up and left the living room before coming back in with a brightly wrapped gift "Happy Birthday Beth."

"Thank you Mom," she said as she takes the box from Mom.

"I hope you like it," said Mom.

Elizabeth's POV

I gasped as I opened the box "Oh my God Mom. Is this the dress I fell in love with at that shop when we went a couple of weeks ago but they didn't have my size?"

"Yes," said Nancy "I went back the next day and special ordered it."

I handed the box and dress to Zak before I stood and went over to hug Nancy "Thank you so much Mom. I love it and I will wear it tonight for the family birthday party."

"You don't have to if you don't want to," said Nancy as she returned the hug.

"I know but I want to," I said with a smile.

"Well Mom I have some things planned for Bizz but we wanted you to meet Paxtin and Misty," said Zak "We will see you later at Meredith's."

Nancy nodded and kissed my cheek "Happy Birthday again dear," she said.

"Thanks Mom," I said kissing her cheek.

Zak hugged and kissed Nancy before we hooked the dogs back up and got ready to leave. 

"See you two later," she said as she walked us to the door.

We waved good bye before walking back to the car. I had my dress while Zak had all three dogs and we are surprised at how well all three walked together.

"So let's get these three back and get your dress upstairs before we start your day," said Zak as we got into his corvette.

I nodded "Sounds like a plan. I think I am going to change into something a bit more comfortable to hike and have picnic in and the go ride ATV's," I said "These leggings are cute and all but I think I am going to wear shorts and my cute neon pink tank top."

"You know you have to open those presents from your party on Saturday," said Zak.

"I know especially Ashley's," I chuckled.

"Oh so Ashley got you something special huh?" he said with a laugh.

"Yeah she said you would like it too," I said with a smirk.

We drove back home and dropped the dogs and dress off before I changed into the shorts and tank top and my converse sneakers.

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