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"So are we hiking or going to ride ATVs first?" asked Elizabeth with a smile.
"What do you want to do?" asked Zak as they grabbed their light coats as it's an unusually warm February day in Vegas.
"Hike," said Elizabeth smiling up at him.
"Okay," said Zak as he ushered her from the house and locked up he laced his fingers with Elizabeth's "Let's go."
She smiled softly as they walk towards the driveway.

Zak's POV

Her hand fit perfectly in mine but I had to do something I wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Zak," she said softly as we walked well we tried to walk "What are you doing? I can't walk with you holding me like this."
"Okay," I said scooping her up into my arms bridal style.
"Zak," she said as she quickly wrapped her arms around my neck.
"What?" I asked looking at her smiling .
She caressed my cheek and leaned in kissing me on the lips. I stopped and let her down as I wrapped my arms around her waist and deepened the kiss.
"Zak," she said drawing back "Let's go for our adventure," she took my hand and leads me towards her car.
"Oh you're driving?!" I said.
"Yep," she said as she unlocks her candy apple red Mustang "Get in Z," She smirks at me "Or I am going to leave you here."
"Naw you wouldn't," I said opening the passenger side door.
"Try me," she said winking as she leaned on the roof of the car.
I raised an eyebrow "Bizz I know you to well," I said.
"Do you?" she smirked.
"I think I do," I said "I think you could never leave me because you love me to much."
"Oh you think that," she said.
"Yes," I said "I just don't think that," I slipped into the car and grabbed her by the waist pulling her into the car.
"Zak," squealed Elizabeth.
"I know you love me," I said as we came face to face.
She smiles at me "Zak I guess you do know me," she said with a laugh "But even though I do love you I would still leave your ass."

Elizabeth's POV

Zak's eyebrows shot up "Oh you would! Would you?" he asked tickling me.
"Zak no!" I said squirming in my seat. He leaned over and kissed my neck sending a shiver down my spine and my heart rate to pick up "Zak."
"What?" he said with a smirk "Not so much fun when I do it huh?"
"You're paying me back for earlier?! " I said wide eyed.
"Bingo Bizz," he said putting his nose against mine and held my face "Turn about is after all fair play."
"Jerk," I said pie facing him.
"Eh you love the tease," he said smirking.
"Well that I do," I said with a smile "Can we go now?" He nodded as we shut our doors and I started the car. Zak put his hand on my upper thigh "Zak!" I swat his hand off my thigh " I will get my revenge if you do that again! "
"I will be waiting," said Zak putting his hand on my knee.
"Z," I said.
"What?" he said moving his hand slowly up my leg.
"Zak!" I said grabbing his hand "You really want to be punished?! "
"Yes I do," he said.
"Only when you can call what we both really wanna do making love and not just sex," I said tossing his arm towards him.
"Fuck," he said tossing his head back.
"Just imagine the punishment you'll receive Zak," I said leaning over and kissing his ear "I promise."
Zak groans "Fuck Bizz. You've gotta stop that," he said.
"Oh but you love the tease," I said winking at him.
"You can hide your reaction to my tease! I can't hide mine!!!! " he growled at me.
"Oopsie Daisy," I said.

Zak's POV

I glared at her "Oooh you're going to pay just as bad Bizz," I said .
"I will be waiting," she sing songs.
She pulled into the parking lot of our hiking spot. She shut the car off and got out. I watched as she went to the back as I got out. I came to the back and immediately regretted it as she was leaning in and I could see down her top to her lace pink and purple bra.
"Awww fuck," I said .
She shot up "Z are you okay?" she said with her sneakers in her hand.
I nodded "Just was stupid and looked down your tank top," I said.
"Idiot," she said shaking her head sitting on the bumper to put her sneakers on "Did you at least enjoy your view?"
I nodded "Umm yeah," I said.
"Aww Z," she said as her hand made it's way to the material over my massive erection and she began rubbing my member.
"Elizabeth!" I said as my head lolled back .
"Tell me to stop," she purred.
"I can't," I moaned " Please continue."
"Well come on," she said grabbing my hand and leading me to the front of the car "Get in and get in back I will fix it just this once."
I looked at her wide eyed "What?!" I said.
"You just don't get a cake," she said.
"Deal!" I said climbing into the back of the car.
She joined me in the back. She unbuckles my belt and unbuttoned my pants and pulled my pants and boxer briefs off my hips.

Elizabeth licked her lips and took Zak's aching member into her hand and began pumping him. Zak grasped the backseat as she picked up speed.
"Aww fuck!!!" groans Zak.
"Cum for me," she said.
"Bizz!" he said his head shooting up and he looked at him.
She bit her lip "What Zak," she said "Do you need a little more incentive?"
Zak looks at her "What do you mean?" he asked .
She removed her hand and took off her top "Better?" she said.
He nodded as she went back to giving him a hand job. A few minutes later he let go all over her hand and legs.
She got wipes and cleaned herself up and put her tank top back on.
"Aww fuck. Thank you Bizz," he said as he pulled his pants back up.
"You're welcome," she said as she got back out of the car "Now can we go for a hike?"
Zak buckled his pants as he stood up "Of course," he said slipping his arm around her waist and slipped his hand into the pocket of her jean shorts.
"I expect to have the favor returned someday," she said.
"Anytime," he said squeezing her ass.
She giggled as they walked up the path to the hiking trail. They made it up to the top of the hill over looking the valley below.
"This doesn't ever get old," she said sitting on the rock that they'd always sit to look out.
"The view is always beautiful," said Zak looking at Elizabeth .
"Zak," said Elizabeth smiling up at him.
"It's true," he said sitting down next to her.
He put an arm around her shoulders and she laid her head on his shoulder.
"Zak," she said squeezing his knee "Why do you always have to say sweet stuff like that?"
"I've told you once before Bizz. I always will with you," he said.
She leaned in and kissed his cheek "Ready to go riding on ATVs?" she said.
"Yeah," he said.

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