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February 11, 1995

Today is the day of the Valentine's Day Dance. Zak has been over since mid morning to hang out with Elizabeth. He wanted to see her in her new dress.
"Zak?" she said quietly as he sat on the couch waiting. Zak stood and turned around to see Elizabeth standing there in a light pink knee length dress. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had light make up on "How do I look?"
Zak smiles "Beautiful," he said "You're going to knock Justin's socks off."
"You think?" asked Elizabeth smiling as Zak came over to her.
"No," said Zak and immediately Elizabeth looked hurt "No I don't think. I know. Justin is very lucky tonight to have you on his arm."
"Z," she said a small blush coloring her cheeks.
"Bizz your beautiful and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise, " said Zak.
"He's right Twinkie," said Linda.
"Thanks Mom," said Elizabeth as the doorbell rang "I'll get it, " Elizabeth walked to the front door with Zak behind her "Z really?"
Zak nodded "Yes really I am ready to shield you if need be," he said.
Elizabeth shook her head "Fine," she said rolling her eyes as she took a deep breath and then opened the door.
"Oh wow," said Justin standing there in a suit and pink tie "You're beautiful."
Elizabeth smiled "Thank you and you look very handsome," she said.
Justin blushes "These are for you," he said handing her a bouquet of flowers.
"Thank you Justin," said Elizabeth .
"Here Honey I will put them in water," said Linda taking the flowers from Elizabeth " Zak can you help me get the vase?"
"But," said Zak looking at Linda who raised an eyebrow "Yes Mrs. Stachura," Zak fell into step with her leaving Elizabeth and Justin alone .
"Shall we?" asked Justin offering his arm.
"Yes," said Elizabeth looping her arm through Justin's.

Later that night....

Zak's POV

After Elizabeth left on her date I did too. I knew she'd call me tomorrow to tell me how it went but something kept nagging at me while I laid there in bed. A little after ten my bedroom phone rang. I picked up.
"Zak?" asked a crying Elizabeth "You were right."
My heart shattered instantly "Oh Bizz," I said "What happened?"
"He he he ditched me for one of the modified cheerleaders," she sobbed.
"Oh Bizz I'm so sorry," I said I could feel my heart break.
"Can you come over?" she asked. She sounded so small and vulnerable.
"Is it alright with your parents?" I asked .
"Yes. We have to sleep in the living room and Mom and Dad will be checking in on us but that's all. Can you please come?" she begged.
" I'll be there in twenty minutes, " I said "Make popcorn and get the cheesiest eighty's movie you can find," I said.
"Okay," she said quietly "Z?"
" Yes Bizz, " I said.
"Thank you," she said softly.
"What are best friends for?" I said " See you in twenty," We hung up and I immediately packed my duffle bag. I go downstairs and my Mom and Sister are sitting on the couch watching a movie.
"Where are you going?" asked Mom.
" Bizz had her heartbroken and she wants me to come spend the night. It's okay with her parents. We are sleeping in the living room and they will be checking on us, " I said as I pulled on my jacket.
"Oh poor Elizabeth," said Meredith " Send her my love. "
"I will. Mom?" I said.
"It's fine go help your best friend," she said "Tell Elizabeth I love her and she'll have mustard potato salad by tomorrow afternoon."
" I will, " I said grabbing my car keys and heading out the door.

Zak is out the door and to his car quickly. He hops in and takes off. His Mom and sister standing on the front porch watched him leave.
"They really are going to be each other's ride or die aren't they?" asked Meredith " He's proving it right now."
Nancy shook her head  yes "I think it will be a whole lot more than that. As much as I'm against it right now. Those two are destined to more to each other than you and I will ever know."
Meredith nodded "I think you might be right Mom," she said as she followed Nancy back into the house.

Elizabeth's POV

Zak is knocking on my door twenty minutes to the second after he hung up with me. I ran to the door in my pink and white pajama shorts and pink t-shirt. I opened the door. Zak threw his duffle bag inside and held open his arms. I fell into them crying my eyes out. He walked me backwards into the house shutting the door with his foot.
"Z is here let it all out," he said stroking my hair.
"It's so unfair," I sobbed "He asked me and left with Nicole Earnhardt. What does she have that I don't?"
" She has nothing over you," said Zak taking my face into his hands "You got that she has nothing on you. Now did you pop that popcorn?"
I nodded as Zak squeezed my face in his hands "Zak you're squishing my face," I said.
"Oops sorry," he said releasing my face "What movie did you pick?"
I bit my lip "Dirty Dancing ," I said looking up at him "And Goonies Mom and Dad said I can stay up late tonight."

Zak's POV

That smile of hers I swear will probably be the death of me one day I couldn't ever say no when she hit me with that smile.
"Well then what are we waiting for?!" I said taking my jacket off and hanging it up by the door.
"You to get into your pajamas," she said laughing.
"Oh right," I said kissing her forehead "I will be right back."
I went to the half bath on the bottom floor and quickly got into my flannel pajama bottoms and a black long sleeved shirt. I went into the living room and she had set it up like a small movie theater. Complete with drinks, popcorn and candy.
"Zak," she said patting the floor next to her "Mom said she'd check on us in a little while."
I nodded as I took my seat and she began Goonies which happens to be one of my favorite movies ever. She snuggled up next to me and laid her head on my shoulder as we began watching the movie. About half way through I look down and she is sound asleep on my shoulder. I gently move her to her pillows and cover her up. I kissed her temple as her Mom came to check on us.
"She fell asleep," I said.
Mrs. Stachura nodded "Okay. Do you want to finish the movie right now Zak?" she said.
"No," I  said " I think I want to get some rest myself. "
"Okay you two can finish the movie in the morning," she said as she shut off the VCR and tv "Good night Zak."
" Good night ma'am, " I said as she shut off the lights and I slid down into my make shift bed.

It wasn't long before Zak was sound asleep on the floor next to Elizabeth. Sometime during the night he must have flipped to his back and Elizabeth moved to where she was sound asleep on his chest right over his heart. Her parents walked into the living room to the sight. Instead of being angry they allow them to sleep longer. They saw their daughter was at peace listening to Zak's heart beat. They like so many others around them knew that this was something that was going to last for the rest of their lives.

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