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August 26,2017

Zak's POV

Well today is the day of Elizabeth's surprise party and well she is currently out with my Mom and my sister shopping. So I was able to sneak off to Palm Gardens where we are having the party. Now I know you're probably saying Zak did you ever find out what your Mom meant with her conversation with Elizabeth? Well as it turns out my Dad is sick and she knew before my sister or I. She wanted to make sure Elizabeth would remain at my side during this time and of course she is. She always has. She held me the day I found out and let me cry into her shoulder even though I ruined her favorite shirt from all the tears that I shed.

Now what about Elizabeth's left hand right? As it turns out no surgery was needed thank God. She has a bad ass scar her words not mine but luckily she didn't need surgery.

I pulled into the Palm Gardens parking lot with the supplies I just picked up to decorate and am met by Ryleigh, Renee, Raya, Becky, Ashley, Colby and Aaron who came to help me out.

"Hey G," said Aaron coming over to my car to help unload the stuff.

"Hi," I said smiling at him.

"So did you get the picture?" asked Ryleigh.

"Of course I did," I said taking out the shot of Elizabeth and I that was going to be where everyone that was going to sign like a guest book.

I hand the 18 x 20 picture to Ryleigh "Oh my God this is such a cute picture of you two," she said looking at the picture of Elizabeth and I when we were part of a wedding party for our friends Jacob and Cheryl. Yes our friends from high school found love with each other. We were a groomsmen and bridesmaid in their wedding about three years ago "She looks so beautiful in light yellow."

"She looks beautiful in anything," I said as we carry stuff into the venue.

"Oh lord," said Aaron.

"What?" I asked.

Aaron chuckled "You're so in love with her it isn't funny," he said.

"Duh," I said.

"What was your first clue Sherlock," said Raya with a smirk "That he had started to plan all this before they had even gotten together or the way he looks at her?"

Aaron laughed "I know I am an idiot," he said.


Elizabeth's POV

Nancy, Meredith and I are having a late lunch at Kenzie's as we had been out all day shopping. I had gotten a new dress for tonight as Ashley, Becky and Colby didn't have to work a house show so they came to town to celebrate my 35th birthday a few days ahead of time. Raya is coming in from SoCal and well Renee lives here with her husband Jon and Ryleigh and London also live here as does Aaron and, Billy. Jay is coming in from Nashville, Tennessee and Dakota was coming in from Minnesota. So a whole bunch of us are going out to have a small party at Club Gardenia.

"So," said Nancy "Where are you and Zak going tonight with your friends?"

"Club Gardenia," I said.

Meredith and Nancy both nodded.

"Is he still getting you a puppy for your birthday," asked Meredith.

I shrugged "I don't know we have had some meet and greets with some dogs and have taken Gracie to meet them all. She seems to have gotten along with a few. A white Pomeranian named Paxtin and a chocolate Pomeranian named Misty," I said.

"Two?" said Nancy.

"Yes," I said "I really fell in love with Paxtin though and I think the same goes for Zak. Misty is a sweetie but Paxtin oh my God," I pulled out my phone to show them the pictures Zak and I took of us meeting Paxtin for the first time when it was just the two of us and then the pictures of Gracie meeting him "Here is Paxtin."

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