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April 5, 2019
Zak's 42nd birthday

Zak's POV

I come from the office to music and Elizabeth singing along. She is singing along to Tightrope from The Greatest Showman. She looks so beautiful in her pale pink sundress and bare feet. Singing care free the first time in months. Neither one of us has been carefree in months. What with me loosing my Dad in December and Elizabeth loosing her Mom less then two months ago. Yeah it's been a hard five months. So to see her just singing along made me smile.
As soon as Tightrope was finished Lay Your Love On Me from Mama Mia came on and she began dancing around so carefree and she actually was smiling. She spun and saw me. She gasped and held her heart.

"Zak? How long have you been here?" she asked.

"Forty two years," I said with a smile.

She rolled her eyes "I meant here in the living room not on Earth," she said with her hands on her hips.

"Well long enough to know I wanna walk a tightrope with you and I am more then willing to lay all my love on you," I said as I wrapped my arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around my neck.

Elizabeth blushed as A Girl For All Seasons from Grease 2 came on and she began to sing it to me as we danced.

"I have missed this," she said as she looked up at me.

"I have too. We have had too much sadness in the past few months. Let's agree that you and I have a dance party every night even if we don't feel like it," I said.

"Agreed," she said holding up her pinkie.

"Agreed," I said locking my pinkie around hers before we kissed our thumbs and then pretended to spit.

She giggled a bit "We are still dorks," she said as Rose Tint My World/ Floorshow from The Rocky Horror Picture Show came on and we began to sing.

"Hey I wouldn't want to be a dork with anyone else," I said with a smile "Now excuse me I am changing this playlist."

Elizabeth's POV

"Okay fine," I said with a small pout.

Zak leaned forward and kissed my lips "Suck in that lip before I bite it," he said a grin painting his face.

"Try it," I said.

"Naw," he said with a wink as he turned and changed my Spotify playlist to my Love Songs playlist and As Long As You Love Me by the Backstreet Boys (aka one of the best boy bands ever and my boyfriend Nick Carter's group okay so my fake boyfriend because I mean what teenager in late 90s wasn't crushing on a BSB or NSYNC or 98° member?) anyways I started to giggle.

"Man did I miss that giggle," said Zak with a smile as he took me into his arms and we began dancing when Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran began playing.

"And I missed that smile," I said caressing his cheek "So much," I looked into his eyes "even your eyes are smiling."

"Well there is a reason for that," he said with a smile and wink.

"And what's that?" I asked.

"I am looking at the most beautiful woman in the world," he said kissing my forehead.

"Zak," I said softly "I am not the most beautiful woman in the world. I am so far down that list I am on page nine hundred and ninety nine and I am the last one before it becomes page one thousand," I looked at him "You know that's true."

"I don't buy it," he said "To me you're the most beautiful wo-" I stop him by placing a finger on his lips.

"Zak. Don't," I shook my head "I have a hard time believing it okay," I shrug "You know what I went through at school," I looked at him with tear filled eyes "I know. I know. It was almost nineteen years since then but Zak, it damaged me and well I can't help but think that's still true."

"Bizz," he said as This I Promise You by *NSYNC came on.

"Zak," I said in the same monotone voice.

Instead of answering or saying anything. Zak took my face into his hands and kissed my lips deepening it within seconds as I wrap my arms around his neck. He lifts me off my feet and my natural instincts take over and I wrapped my legs around his waist. Our lips danced a familiar dance that we had come so accustomed to over the past two years we had been together as he ran his tongue along my lower lip begging for access which I granted as Because of You by 98° began playing. He ran his hands down my back and gave my ass a nice squeeze causing me to gasp and he won the tongue battle. I drew back and brushed the hair behind my ear. Our eyes connected and we both knew what was on each other's mind.

"One question though. Bed? Or Couch?" he asked with a sly grin.

"You choose you are after all the birthday boy," I said with a wink.

"Choices. Choices," he said as he kept me hanging from him like a chimpanzee.

"Zak can you choose like in the next five minutes or so? My arms are getting rather tired and I might fall off of your neck," I said.

"Okay. Bed," he said as A Thousand Years by Christina Perri began.

"Zak the music!" I said pointing as he walked upstairs.

"It's playing in the whole house," he smirked.

"You sly fox!" I said smacking his shoulder "You knew!"

"I know you all too well my love," he said kissing my jawline as he opened the bedroom door.

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