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Elizabeth's POV

I wrapped my arms around Zak's neck as he pulled me closer to him.

"Zak," I said as we came up for air.

"Yes," he said as our eyes connected.

"I am completely head over heels in love with you," I said.

"I am completely head over heels in love with you too," he said leaning in and kissing my lips.

"So," I said.

"So," he said as he lifted me up by my ass and wrapped my legs around his waist.

I looked into his eyes as I ran my fingers through his hair before clasping my hands behind the back of his head "So should we finally take our relationship to the next level?" I said.

"Yes. I am more than ready to take this relationship to the next level," he said a smile curling his lips.

"Good. I was hoping you would say that," I said as I leaned in and kissed his lips.

He quickly deepened the kiss as he carried me to the bed. Just then there is a knock on the door.

"You got to be kidding me!!!" said Zak frustrated.

"This can't be happening!!!!" I said.

"Hang on," he said "Stay here," he held me to him as we walked towards the door.

Zak's POV

I held Elizabeth close to me as I walked towards the door. I opened the door. There stood Aaron.

Oh my God! NO!!  I thought. This is just like my dream.

"Bizz pinch me," I said looking at her.

"Huh?" she said.

"Pinch me!" I said.

"Um okay," she said looking at me still confused but she pinched me anyways.

"Ow," I said "Oh good I am not dreaming."

"Umm can I ask why is Beth being a koala?" asked Aaron.

"Aaron what do you want?" asked Elizabeth "Zak and I are kinda in the middle of something."

"Are you two playing koala?" asked Aaron laughing.

"Um no. But we were about to be playing with something," I said.

Elizabeth smacked me "Zachary Bagans!" she said looking at me.

I smirked at her "What?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes "Aaron seriously can you come back tomorrow? Zak and I are umm about to," she said looking at me.

"We are about to take our relationship to the next level so could you hit the bricks," I said.

"Zak not so mean. But Aaron what he said. We love you lots but get lost," she said.

Aaron looks hurt and then the moment it registered in his head. He smirked at us "So can I expect to see you walking side to side tomorrow morning?" he asked.

"More like tomorrow afternoon," I said "I have to get her ready for staying up all night tomorrow for lockdown."

"ZAK!" she said blushing.

 "See you two tomorrow afternoon and remember protection is your friend," said Aaron with a wink.

Elizabeth buried her face into my neck and giggled slightly.

"Bye Aaron," I said as Aaron left. I grabbed the DO NOT DISTURB sign from the back door handle and placing it on the front door handle facing out "Now," I shut the door and adjusted Elizabeth so we were nose to nose "Where were we?"

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