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April 1995

It's Zak's eighteenth birthday today. It was a Wednesday so it meant school. So like every other school day. Zak showered and got ready.
"Happy Birthday Sweetie," said Nancy.
"Thanks Mom," said Zak.
"Have a good day at school," said Nancy kissing his cheek "Remember your birthday dinner at your Dad's place is at six tonight."
Zak nodded "Bizz and I will be there by five. Thanks again for inviting her to the family dinner," he said.
"I know she means a lot to you Sweetie," said Nancy placing a hand on his cheek "And I think this will be the first of many birthdays she'll spend with you."
"I do too," said Zak as he shrugged on his jacket before picking up his backpack "See you later."
Nancy nodded "Bye Sweetie," she said "And once again Happy Birthday!"
"Thanks Mom," said Zak grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island.

Zak's POV

I drove to Elizabeth's house and as I pulled up Elizabeth is standing on the porch. Not unusual but still unusual. She saw my car and came running down the steps. As soon as I stopped I put the window down and she stuck her head in the passenger side.
"Happy Birthday Zak!!!" she said smiling "Mom and Dad want you to come in."
"Nothing bad I hope," I said.
"No," she said shaking her head "Come on."
I chuckled as I shut the car off and got out. She grabbed my hand as soon as I was in reaching distance of her. We walked into her house and to her kitchen.
"Surprise!!!!!" she said waving her hand at a birthday cake with candles "Mom and I made it last night for you."
" Happy Birthday Zak, " said Mr and Mrs Stachura.
"Thank you," I said.
"Well go on make a wish," said Elizabeth beaming up at me. I closed my eyes and well quite frankly I knew what my wish was it was to always have Elizabeth in my life and by my side no matter in what kind of capacity. So I made that wish as I blew out the candles "So what did you wish for?"
"I can't tell you that or it won't come true, " I teased.
"Meanie and I thought I was your best friend," said Elizabeth with a pout.
"You are but that doesn't mean I am going to tell you what I wished for," I said kissing her forehead.
"Would you like a slice before school?" asked Mrs. Stachura .
"No thank you," I said "I'll have one when Bizz and I get back here this afternoon before my birthday dinner at my Dad's house."
"Okay. You two have a good day," said Mrs. Stachura as she took the cake to the refrigerator "Once again Happy Birthday Zak."
"Thanks," I said "Ready to go Bizz?"
Elizabeth nodded "I am," she said as she shrugged on her jacket "Bye Mom and Dad," she kissed both of her parents before we left.
"Bye Honey. Have a good day," said Mr. and Mrs. Stachura as we headed out the door.

Elizabeth's POV

Zak and I left my house and walked to his car.
"Zak," I said looking at him after we got into his car.
"Yeah Bizz," he said as he started his car and he pulled away from the curb.
"Promise me something," I said.
"I'll promise you anything you want," said Zak.
"Promise me that you and I will always be just that you and I?" I said "That even though you'll be in Vegas in the next part of your life come the fall," I am stopped by Zak .
"I'm one phone call away," said Zak "I'm one flight away. Just send up the bat signal."
I giggled "I'm one lucky young lady," I said.
"Why?" asked Zak as we traveled down the road.
"That I met my best friend and someone who always be in my life," I said.
Zak smiles before glancing at me "I'm lucky too to have the sweetest, kindest, funniest and most beautiful best friend on the planet," he said.
"Zak," I said.
"No it's the truth. Now you have got to promise me something," he said.
"Anything," I said.
"You'll always be my best friend," he said.
"Zak of course. So guess what no matter where you go you're stuck with me," I said.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he said leaning over at a red light and kissing my temple "Promise," he held up his pinkie.
"Promise," I said hooking my pinkie with his. Like always we kissed our thumbs before pretending to spit.

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