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Elizabeth's POV

Zak and I walked to his car on our way to our favorite diner called Kenzie's. We had our first official date there after we came back from So Cal. So it has meaning to the both of us. Zak wrapped an arm around my waist as we got to his car.

"Zak," I giggled.

"Kiss and then I will let you in," he said with a smile.

"So a kiss for access to your car? I think I can manage that and a whole lot more," I said smirking.

"Well the whole lot more has to wait until we get home and then I am taking you up on that offer," said Zak as he connected our lips before  pinning me between him and the car as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Zak," I said pushing him back slightly as he placed his hands on either side of me on the car roof.

"Yes?" he said with a raised eyebrow.

"I am starving. Can we go to Kenzie's now?" I asked with a smile.

Zak chuckled and gave me a quick kiss "Of course," he said reaching around me grabbing the door handle "Babe?"

I smiled as I stepped aside and he opened the door for me "Thank you Honey," I said as I stole a quick kiss.

He smiled as he shut the door and rounded the car to the driver's side.

Zak's POV 

I got in the car and looked at Elizabeth as she checked herself in the mirror of visor.

"Babe you look perfect," I said with a smile.

She turned to me and blushed "No I do not," she said.

"To me you are," I said.

"Zak," she said with a small sigh.

"Babe I wish you saw what I did," I said reaching out and caressing her cheek "You're beautiful inside and out."

She placed her hand on top of mine before grabbing my hand and kissing the palm "I love you," she said. 

"I love you more," I said leaning in and kissing her.

"Now Zak," she said pushing me back "I am seriously starving. I worked up an appetite earlier," she smirks at me.

 "And whose fault is that?" I asked.

"Yours," she teased with a mischievous glint in her eyes "You are so fucking good at making love that I can't quench my thirst when it comes to you and your body," she wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Oh so it's my fault you help me put on a good show?" I asked "I mean your hips certainly don't lie."

She blushed as she pie faced me "Shut up and drive please," she said.

"Will do," I laughed as I turned the car on and put it in drive.

Zak pulled out of the driveway and onto the street of their gated  community. He glanced over at Elizabeth who was just watching the world go by when she felt his eyes on her.

"What?" she asked looking over at him.

"Nothing," he said smiling at her "Just can't believe how lucky I am to have my best friend as my lover."

She smiled softly at him "Right back at you Honey," she said leaning over and kissing his cheek.

He pulled into the parking lot of Kenzie's and found what had become their normal spot even before they had gotten together this was the place they enjoyed coming for dinner. He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it  "Stay right there," he said.

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