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Zak's POV

"Now about Friendsitine Day," I said.
"What about it?" asked Elizabeth as she ate a fork full of breakfast casserole.
"My cake," I said "I want vanilla."
"You'll get what I give you," she said "And don't worry it won't have red dye. I am not looking to kill my best friend," she smiled at me "After all I am almost thirty five and it took nearly twenty three years to break you in as my bestie," she smirked at me.
"Jerk," I said as she giggled.
"Oh come on Z you know I am pulling your chain," she said smiling sweetly at me.
You see I am allergic to red dye yes I know weirdo. But I am. Elizabeth is allergic to marjoram so we call ourselves the weirdo allergy twins okay maybe we don't but we could. I mean come on how many people can be allergic to such random things such as red dye and marjoram?!
"Bizz I know that," I said reaching over and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
She leaned on her hand and smiled "You're right I would have missed this," she said indicating my face "and this," she pointed between the two of us "my God Zak we almost threw away nearly twenty three years of friendship over one stupid ass fight. I don't ever want to lose you."
"And I don't want to lose you either, " I said "We have to promise that if we ever fight like that again we make up just as quickly," I held up my pinkie.
"Zak," she said "We haven't done this since the early 2000s."
"I know and I think it's time we bring it back," I said wiggling my pinkie "So?"
Elizabeth smirks before hooking her pinkie with mine "Deal," she said as we kissed our thumbs and pretend to spit "God we're dorks."
"I wouldn't want to be a dork with anyone else " I said.
Elizabeth blushed as she smiled at me "Neither would I," she said softly "Now Friendsitine Day and my bouquet."
"Oh so you think you're getting a bouquet of flowers?" I teased.
"If you want a vanilla cake," she teased back.

"Fine," I said "I guess I will go get you your bouquet," Gracie licked my hand "Oh okay girl Daddy will let you outside," I pet her head.

Elizabeth's POV

I watched as Zak took Gracie to the back door to let her out to do her business and let some zoomies out. I cleaned up as he stepped out onto the back porch.
After cleaning the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher I grabbed our half drunk drinks and meet him outside on our porch swing.
"Zak?" I said handing him his tea.
"Mmm," he said said as he took a drink.
"Can we stay in this Friendsitine Day? Order out and watch movies all night?" I asked as I leaned on his shoulder.
"I like that," said Zak kissing the top of my head "That way you can show me how we will be able to snuggle in the movie theater."
I rolled my eyes "We share a chair ding dong," I said smacking his shoulder.
"Oh so I sit in your lap and you hold me," he said teasingly.
"Like fuck I will. I will drop your ass faster than a stripper drops it like it's hot," I said.
Zak spit his tea out and snorted with laughter "Bizz," he said "Oh my God seriously!"
"What?" I said with a smile.
"Drop me faster than stripper drops it like it's hot?" he said with a raised eyebrow.
"What?" I said looking at him.
"God I wish I could vacation in that beautiful brain of yours," he said kissing my temple.
"And I wish I could vacation in Hawaii but we all know I hate to fly and heights," I said.
Zak shook his head as he cleaned the tea off of himself "Bizz I always knew you were trouble," he said.
"And I am the best kind of trouble," I said resting my chin on his shoulder.
"That you are," said Zak kissing my forehead "And I certainly don't mind getting in trouble with you."

Zak's POV

Elizabeth smiled softly at me "Back at you," she said with a laugh.
I kissed her nose "Let's go get ready for the day," I said "I want to go for a hike."
"Sounds fun," said Elizabeth smiling "Maybe we could go riding ATVs as well."
I drew back looking at her "You suggesting go riding ATVs?! Are you my Bizz?" I asked "Are you feeling yourself?"
She giggled "Yes," she said wrapping her arms around my neck and knocking my ball cap off in the process "I'm your Bizz and I am feeling just fine. Just want to do something you enjoy. After all we are always doing what I want to do. I think it's time we do what you like."
"Well you like hiking," I said.
"I do when I go with you and Gracie," she said kissing my nose.
"Let's get ready," I said.
Elizabeth nodded and smiled "Okay," she said unwrapping her arms from my neck. I watched her stand and she stretched "I am going to grab a shower," she ran her fingers through my hair "I will be ready in about an half an hour."
"Half an hour really?" I asked raising an eyebrow and putting my ball cap back on.
"Okay maybe forty five minutes," she said smiling as she batted the rim of my ball cap "You should talk Z. You take forever to get ready too."
"Oh really?" I said.
"Yes," she said as I stood up "Do you wanna bet?"
I raised an eyebrow "Bet what?" I asked.
"That I will be done before you," she said looking up at me with a smirk as she is barefoot I had six and half inches on her.
I looked down into her green eyes.
"Okay," I said "You're on. When I win you have to watch Lost Boys with me without covering your eyes or burying your face into your hands or my chest."
"Okay," she said "And when I win. You and I take actual ballroom dancing lessons."
"Deal," I said putting my hand out.
"Deal," she said shaking my hand "On the count of three."
"Okay," I said "One!"

Elizabeth smiled "Two!" she said.
"Three," they said together .
Zak grabbed Elizabeth around the waist picking her up and putting her behind him.
"Hey!" she said jumping on his back "Not fair!!!"
"What's not fair?!" he said.
"Picking me up and putting me behind you!" she said still on his back "How rude!"
Zak chuckled as he took Elizabeth off his back and putting her in front of him.
"No not rude. Smart. Especially since I want to win," he said smiling at her.
"Sucker!" she said turning on her heel and taking off towards the stairs.
"Brat!!" yells Zak taking off towards her.
"Oh shit!" said Elizabeth running up the stairs as Zak gains on her.
Elizabeth tripped on the steps but got to her feet before Zak got to her. She hit her bedroom door and dove in before he made it to her. She stuck her tongue out at him "Ha! Showtime!!" she said.
" Fuck! " said Zak taking off towards his bedroom.

Forty five minutes later....

Elizabeth is standing in the middle of the foyer in a flowing lilac tank top and jean shorts and platform sandals. Her chocolate brown hair is pulled into a high ponytail and  has minimal make up on.
Zak came downstairs and his mouth dropped.
"Get ready to Rumba!!!" said Elizabeth with a smirk as she shook her hips
"Oh shoot," said Zak smiling.
Elizabeth's mouth dropped "You ass you did that on purpose. You let me win!" she said crossing her arms over her chest "Now I don't want to go take dance lessons if that's the case."
"Bizz," said Zak stepping in  front of her.
Elizabeth smiled softly at him "Zak you did it for me didn't you, and that's not how I want to win," she pouts "So no dance lessons."
"I know how you're not thrilled with horror movies and I know how you like to dance," he said cupping her face "So I thought I would," he looks at her. She smiles at him as he leaned in and gently kissed her lips "You know damn well I would do anything for you," he said as he drew back and looks at her "So come on let's take dance lessons."
"Then since you did that for me," she said "I will watch Lost Boys with you and I won't cover my eyes or bury my face in my hands or your chest."
"Well if you do I won't complain especially if you bury your face in my chest," he said.
Elizabeth blushed "Now how about that hike and ATV ride?" she said smiling at him widely.

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