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January 2017

Thirteen years and one month have passed since that day in the mall. Elizabeth was right they did walk into their future. Elizabeth graduated with honors with her degree in May 2004. Zak and Elizabeth are even closer then ever and are still roommates but now have a bigger house and a dog  they named Gracie.
Zak is now the host and executive producer of Ghost Adventures and Elizabeth has become a PA for the entire group. In the past thirteen years Zak and Elizabeth have met Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley, Renee Paquette, Ryleigh Janssen, Saraya-Jade "Raya" Bevis, Rebecca "Bex" Quin, Ashley "Ash" Fleihr and Colby Lopez.
Zak is now in the process of opening a haunted museum with the help of his Mom who has moved to Vegas along with his sister and her family as well as Elizabeth's parents all of whom live within walking distance of Zak and Elizabeth. Elizabeth's parents only moved to Vegas a few months ago after her Mom survived a massive heart attack and Elizabeth wanted them close to her.

Elizabeth's POV

"Zak," I said coming into his office carrying a cup of cocoa for me and cup of tea for Zak with Gracie close at my heels.
"Bizz," he said smiling at me.
I sat the cocoa and tea on his desk and rubbed his back "How's the new investigation coming along?" I asked as Zak pulled me onto his knee.
"Good," he said kissing my cheek "But what I need right now is a break and lunch. How about it?"
"Oh I don't know my boss is kind of a task master," I said with a smirk "I don't know if he'll let me have time off."
"Well I think I can talk to him for a price," said Zak with a smile.
"Oh and what would that price be?" I said with an arched eyebrow as I caressed his cheek .
"A kiss and a hug," he said.
"Well I can arrange that," I said hugging him and then hooking his chin in my hand and kissing him on the lips.
YES we kiss each other on the lips now too. But no we are still only friends and we never kiss one another on the lips when we're in a relationship with someone else.
"Mmm," said Zak  licking my lower lip "You're wearing your cherry Chapstick huh?"
I giggle and pushed him back "Now can you talk to my boss and see if I can have a lunch break?" I asked.
"Hmmmm," said Zak "I think I can and well he said yes but there's one catch."
"What? " I said smirking.
"You have to have dinner with me too," he said.
"Oh I do! Do I?" I said with a smile "Man my boss is a hard ass. "
Zak laughed "You're telling me. He said I have to carry you to the car too," he said as he stood up with me in his arms. I quickly put my arms around his neck as he hooked my legs in his left arm.
"Wow what a hard ass," I said giggling as I put my head on his shoulder.
"Yes a true hard ass. I had to tell him no about his other request though," he said .
"Really what was it?" I said .
"I had to have," began Zak before I put a hand over his mouth .
"No," I said.
Zak smiles "And what do you think I was going to say?" he asked grabbing our coats and my purse.
"Oh I don't know Z. Let me guess have sex with you," I said with a smirk.
"Gee your boss really is a perv huh?" said  Zak wiggling his eyebrows.
I rolled my eyes and kissed his nose "You're an ass," I said with a smile .
"But you love this ass," he said sitting me on my feet.
"Eh maybe," I said before taking off in a sprint .
"You little," said Zak taking off after me towards our driveway .
I turned and saw him almost on my heels "Oh shit!" I said as he caught up to me and grabbed me.
"Gotcha!" he said pulling me back and into his chest.
"Oof," I said as I hit hard into his rock solid chest.
"Now what were you saying," he said into my hair "About eh maybe?"
"I don't remember ever saying anything like that," I giggle.
"Oh you don't? " he said beginning to tickle me.
"Nope," I said squirming around in his arms. I am now facing him and we are nose to nose. I felt my breath hitch in my throat and we both stand there staring into each other's eyes. Zak licked his lips and I bit mine.
"Zak! Beth!" said Aaron as he pulled up.
We broke apart quickly "Hi Aaron," I said smiling .
"Whatcha doing?" he said as he parked next to my car and got out.
"Going to lunch," I said as Zak tried to continue to tickle me but I batted his hands away " You want to join us? "
"Bizz!" said Zak.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth looked at me with a raised eyebrow "What?" she said "I thought we were just friends getting lunch unless you want to say uncle and say something else."
Fuck she knows me to damn well. I am still afraid to call what we both wanted to do make love. She was there like the Virgo she is and I like the hard headed Aries I am am not there yet.
"Aaron it's okay if you want to come," I said .
"Are you completely sure about that?" asked Aaron "You two seemed pretty cozy when I pulled up."
"Nope," I said "Just two best friends playing around."
"Right," said Aaron rolling his eyes "Where are we going?"
"Kenzie's probably," said Elizabeth sighing as she went to my corvette and waited by the door. She wanted me and I wanted her but my fear of commitment was a huge road block for us. I couldn't quite say make love at least not yet.
I opened the door for Elizabeth and she just got in.She normally always kissed my cheek after I opened the door. I knew she was pissed off at me. I knew she wanted me to say Uncle and call it making love now trust me in my heart I wanted to so much but in my head I couldn't I just couldn't. Now my head and my heart are in a constant battle and I wanted my heart to tell my head to shut the fuck up and let it win. I wanted nothing more than to take Elizabeth into my arms and say I love you and I want to make love to you all night long.

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