138 7 0

January 1995

"Hi," said Elizabeth as she skipped up to Zak before booping his nose.
"Hi," he said smiling and kissed the side of her head "Ready to go?"
Elizabeth nodded "Of course," she said adjusting her beanie.
"Elizabeth wait!" said a male voice.
Zak and Elizabeth turned towards the sound of the voice and to Elizabeth's shock it is one of the most popular guys in the seventh grade Justin Tucker
"Justin?" she said.
"Hi ," he said coming up to then "Can I ask you a question?"
"You just did," said Zak.
"Zak," said Elizabeth smacking him in the stomach "Go ahead Justin."
"You know the Valentine's Day Dance right?" asked Justin.
"I do," said Elizabeth nodding .
"Well. I was wondering if you'd like to go with me?" asked Justin.
Zak's mouth dropped open as did Elizabeth's "You want to go with me?" she asked.
Justin nodded "I do," he said.
"Wait a second," said Zak he smells a rat "Aren't you one of the many that makes fun of Bizz?"
Elizabeth looked up at Zak and then back at Justin. Zak had a point "Wait a minute is this a joke?" asked  Elizabeth her lip quivering.
"What?" asked Justin "No. I know in the past I have made your life hell."
"Pft that's an understatement," said Elizabeth "The answer is no. Come on Zak."
Zak put a protective arm around Elizabeth and lead her towards the exit.
"Wait," said Justin catching up to them " I'm honestly asking you to the Valentine's Day Dance. "
"And I told you my answer is no," said Elizabeth "I'm not an idiot. I know damn well if I say yes and go. You and your cronies are just going to Carrie me or something."
"Come on Bizz," said Zak "Besides she has plans for Valentine's Day anyway."
"I do?" said Elizabeth.Zak raised an eyebrow at her "oh right I do," she nodded .
"Oh yeah what?" asked Justin.
"I ummm," said Elizabeth "Zak?"
"Okay so maybe she doesn't but I am protecting my best friend from heartache," said Zak stepping in front of Elizabeth .
"Zak," she said quietly taking his hand "Let me get my heartbroken."
Zak spun around "What? I couldn't stand to see you hurt," he said to her.
Elizabeth put her hand on his cheek "I have to love a little, laugh a little let my poor heart break a little," she said softly.
"That's story of. That's the glory of love," said Zak taking her hand and kissing the palm "Okay but just call my name."
"I know and you'll be there," said Elizabeth smiling before she turned to Justin " I would love to go with you to the Valentine's Day Dance. "
"You would?!" said Justin happily.
"I would," said Elizabeth.
"Great. My Mom and I will pick you up at six thirty next Saturday," said Justin.
"Great," said Elizabeth "But don't you think it'll be easier if you have my address?"
"I know where you live. My cousin is your next door neighbor, " said Justin.
"Matthew?" she said.
Justin nodded "Yes," he said.
"But if you so much as hurt a hair on her head," said Zak putting himself between Elizabeth and Justin.

Zak's POV

"I know you'll kick my ass right?" asked Justin .
"You're damn right I will," I said.
"Zak," said Elizabeth pulling on my arm "Please stop. I appreciate that you are protecting me trust me I am."
"Okay okay but I am going to keep a close eye on you," I said looking at Justin "Bizz is a great person and she deserves the world."
"Zak," said Elizabeth blushing.
"Wait are you two a thing?!" asked Justin pointing between us.
" What? No, " said Elizabeth shaking her head "We're just each other's best friend. He is just looking out for me. After all your cronies haven't exactly made junior high school a walk in the park."
"I know and for that I am truly sorry," said Justin.
"Well thank you but don't you think by asking me out that your friends will turn on you?" asked Elizabeth .
"Let em. I want to get to know you. My Mom said I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover and well I have done that to you for way to long," said Justin " And for that I am truly sorry too. "
Elizabeth smiled slightly "Why thank you," she said stepping forward and kissing his cheek.
Justin put a hand over where she had kissed him and he blushes "You have tender lips," he said.
"Yes she does," I said .
"Zak!" said Elizabeth wide eyed .
"As she kisses me on the cheek all the time," I said looking at her with a raised eyebrow.
"Oh right I do don't I," she said turning bright red.
"Well I better get you home now," I said.
"Right," said Elizabeth " I'll see you in English tomorrow Justin? "
Justin nodded "Sure will. See you tomorrow," he said but before he walked away he kissed Elizabeth on the cheek "Bye."
"Bye," she said holding her cheek.
We watched him walk away before we started to walk towards my car.

Elizabeth's POV

"Oh my God Zak!!!" I said " I have a date!!!! "
I began a happy dance as we walked. Zak smiles and rolled his eyes "You know you're freaking adorable when you're happy like this," he said.
"Zak," I said blushing.
"What?" said Zak "You are," he opened my door.
I smiled softly "Zak," I said standing on my tip toes and kissing his cheek "I adore you."
"And I adore you," he said kissing my forehead "Now come on," he said looking up "I have a feeling it's going to pour any minute now."
Sure enough as soon as Zak closed his door the heavens opened up and the rain came pouring down. It was raining so hard that Zak had to literally drive home at twenty miles an hour.

Zak drops Elizabeth off and he made sure she got into her house. He sighed as he drove away. Why was it killing him that his twelve year old best friend was going on a date with another twelve year old? It was ridiculous to have feelings like that for someone he knew he couldn't do anything about right now seeing in two short months well a little over two months he was going to be turning eighteen.
Zak get over it he thought Just build a damn bridge and get over it. If you two are meant to be it will be.

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