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Zak's POV

Elizabeth shook her head "Zak is always saying I need glasses," she said.

"You were upset," said Aaron as he sat the boxes on the island "It's fine," he smiled at Elizabeth "Okay?"

"Okay," said Elizabeth with a small pout.

"Stop being so damn adorable," I whisper to her.

She turned and looked up at me "And how am I being so damn adorable?" she asked.

"The pout," I said with a wink.

She rolled her eyes "Only you would find me pouting adorable," she said.

"Well you pouting, smiling and all the facial features you have are adorable to me," I said with a shrug.

She shook her head before leaving my arms to get plates and utensils out.

The doorbell rings "Oh I will get it," said Elizabeth as she got back down on her feet. She goes to the door and opens it "Mom. Mere," she smiled hugging my Mom and sister.

"Hi sweetie," said Mom hugging Elizabeth warmly "How are you?"

"I have been better," she said.

Mom cupped her face and gave her the most sympathetic face before kissing her forehead "I know honey," she said "When I lost my Mom I felt empty and lost."

Elizabeth nods as her lower lip trembled. I knew that was my cue to come and give her a hug.

"It's okay," I said as I held her close.

The sob that was stuck came out as a wail. Mom looks at me.

"Oh honey I didn't mean to," said Mom.

"You-you-you didn't do anything," said Elizabeth "I just randomly cry at times. You have to forgive me. Excuse me I think I am going to go freshen up."

I watch as Elizabeth ascended the steps with Gracie, Misty, Paxtin, Shelby and Hershey close at her heels.

Aaron turned to me as soon as he heard the door close to our bedroom.

"Poor Beth," he said with a small frown.

"I know," I said "Cancer fucking sucks and well quite honestly it's taken too many people but now we are both battling this emptiness. We are there for each other but we can't help one another. It kills me that I can't tell her it gets better because I still feel like shit myself."

Aaron put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a tight squeeze "Sorry G," he said.

"Thanks," I said glumly.

"Be right back," said Meredith as she went upstairs.

"Mere I don't think that's a good idea," I said.

"Just never you mind," she said.

With that she disappeared upstairs and then I hear a faint knock.

Elizabeth's POV

I am basically curled up on our bed with the dogs crying when a knock on the door comes on the door.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Meredith," she said opening the door and poking her head in "Can we talk?"

"I guess," I said sitting up and grabbing a pillow and holding it as Meredith came in and sat on the bed next to me.

"How are you really," she said.

"Empty and hallow. I can't help Zak because I can't stop crying my own tears," I said.

"I know but you guys know you have Mom, Aaron, Victoria, Billy, Diane, Jay and Dakota as well as me," she said.

"Mere you're dealing with the loss of your Dad too. I can't dump my feelings on you," I said.

"Hey you and I can cry together for all I care," said Meredith "Just know I am here for you."

"I know you are Mere," I said as tears fell "I just hate ruining Zak's day. After all I planned it and now I am up here crying like an idiot."

"You're not an idiot," said Meredith.

Just then there is a soft knock on the door and Mom pokes her head in "Beth sweetie I am sorry if I upset you," she said.

"You didn't upset me," I sighed "I just randomly find myself bursting into tears. I don't even know what triggers it either. The doctor has prescribed depression meds. I take em but she even told me it will take a few months until my body can build up enough to start to let the meds stabilize my mood and just last month they upd the dose. So it's still adjusting."

Nancy came over and kissed my forehead "I know it's hard," she said "But there is light at the end of this very long tunnel. I promise you."

"There is?" I asked.

Nancy nods "Of course and your Mom wouldn't want you to be sad. You know she would want you to be happy. You still have your Dad. Be there for each other. Cry together," she said "Just know I am here. You, your Dad, Zak and Mere all have support from a load of people."

I nodded Nancy's words made sense but I just wish somebody could tell it to my heart.

"I know that here," I said pointing to my head "But I just wish somebody would tell that to my heart because it's broken."

Nancy enveloped me in a hug and squeezed "Trust me if I could I would but the heart is never ready for when a loved one gains they're wings," she said "No matter if you know it's coming or not."

"Oh," I said wiping away tears "Let me actually freshen up now," I made my way off the bed as Zak walked in.

"Can I talk to my girlfriend alone please?" he said looking at his Mom and sister.

They nod and left without another word.

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