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Elizabeth's POV

"So," I said looking into Zak's eyes before smiling softly at him.

"Should we start here and then continue to the bed or do we just head right to the bed?" he asked.

"Does it really matter?" I asked.

"Well yes and no but if it's all the same to you I would love to be able to make love to you for the first time of hopefully many in the bed," he said

I blushed slightly "First time of many?" I asked.

"Yeah got a problem with that?" he asked with a smirk looking down at me.

"No," I said caressing his cheek "Not at all. Now are we going to talk or are we going to kiss and begin our first time of many?"

"Slow down and take our time," he said.

"I like the sound of that," I said.

Just then there is a knock on the door. 

"You've got to be kidding me," he said getting up to answer the door "Aaron? Seriously man what do want?"

"Hey what are you two up to?" asked Aaron.

I looked at him from the couch and he smiled  "Hey Aaron. Zak and I are kind of busy. Could you  maybe come back I don't know tomorrow afternoon?" I asked.

Aaron looked at Zak and then at me. Zak gave him a look "Yeah man we were kind of in the middle of something," he said raising an eyebrow.

Aaron looks confused and then I see the moment it registered in his eyes "Oh that," he said "Yeah um I will see myself out. See you guys tomorrow," he smirked.

Aaron  left and Zak shut the door and locked it before rejoining Elizabeth on the couch.

"Now where were we?" asked Zak smiling at Elizabeth.

"We were about to kiss again," she said with a soft smile.

"We were?" asked Zak with a smirk.

Elizabeth arched an eyebrow " At least I thought we were but if you don't want to finally make love then I guess I will go back to my ice cream and my movie," she said reaching for the container of soft serve.

"Hold on miss," he said grabbing her hand  " I did not  say we weren't about to kiss now did I?"

"Maybe you did and maybe you didn't," she shot back playfully.

Zak's POV

"So are we playing games now?" I asked.

"You better believe it," she said "We are going to have some fun before the main event."

I chuckled "Only you could make making love sound like a spectator sport," I said.

"Eh it's a gift," she said with a smile.

I laughed in spite of myself "God do I adore you," I said.

"And I love you," she said "Zak what I mean to say is I am hopelessly and completely head over heels in love with you."

I sat back on the couch " You are?" I asked before breaking into a broad smile " Well," I looked at her and straight into those beautiful green eyes of hers "Elizabeth."

 "Elizabeth?" she said as her eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"For this I want to use Elizabeth and not Bizz," I said "So can I continue?"

 "Yeah I just like the way my name sounds coming off your lips," she said.

"Okay," I said with a chuckle "Good to know. Now can I?" 

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