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Zak's POV

Elizabeth and I meet the guys down in the lobby. 

"Did you guys have fun last night?" asked Jay with a smirk.

"Yeah did you get any noise complaints?" asked Aaron.

"Okay. Okay get the jokes out now because when we get to Willow Creek Insane Asylum we need to be professional," said Elizabeth.

"Bizz is that a smart idea?" I asked.

"Oh shit," she said as she knows that Aaron, Billy and Jay see her as their little sister and love to pick on her and well me for that matter.

Aaron, Billy  and Jay smirk at one another.

"Guys," said Dakota "They have a right to their privacy do we really need to make fun of them?"

"Zak did I mention that I'm thankful you hired this boy," said Elizabeth hugging Dakota.

Dakota smiled as he hugged Elizabeth back "Thanks," said Dakota blushing as Elizabeth kissed his cheek and then pinched it "Such a good boy."

Dakota smiled "Thanks," he said.

Aaron, Billy and Jay raised their hands "He's right," said Aaron.

"Ready?" asked Elizabeth as she took my hand "Raya, Renee, Ashley, Colby and Bex should be here shortly."

I nodded as I wrapped my arm around her shoulders still holding onto her hand.

As we are waiting for the rest the elevator doors open and Elizabeth almost went pale instantly.

"Beth are you okay?" asked Aaron seeing Elizabeth's face.

Elizabeth shook her head as she wrapped her free arm around my waist and she was shaking slightly.

"Well. Well. Well look at this picture," said Greg smirking "If it isn't Elizabeth and Zak seeming awfully cozy."

"Because we are," I said  holding Elizabeth as closely as possible.

"That's rich especially since you can't say the one thing Elizabeth needs and craves," said Greg crossing his arms over his chest.

"He has and we did," said Elizabeth looking at Greg as she stood up unlacing our fingers.

"Aww isn't that sweet," said Greg.

Elizabeth's POV

Zak lifted my left arm gently "You hurt my girl," he said rolling my long sleeve shirt down my arm "Care to explain?"

"Simple bitch wouldn't listen to reason," said Greg.

I saw the moment Zak's eyes flared with rage.

"Zak," I said placing my hand on his chest "He's goading you."

"Well it's working," said Zak as he placed me behind him.

"Zak come on G," said Aaron grabbing Zak's arm as he saw what I saw.

"Yeah man," said Billy shaking his head "Asshat is trying to goad you into a fight and well he isn't worth it."

"Elizabeth is worth it," said Zak looking at me.

"Well that's sweet Honey but I don't want you going to  jail for me. Just walk away Zak," I said as I stared at Greg "Even though he so deserves  an ass kicking."

"What's going on here?" asked Raya, Renee, Ashley and Becky seeing the stand off.

"Oh so you're friends with Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Renee Young too?" asked Greg.

"She is and what's it to you anyways fuck face?" asked Raya.

"What is wrong with this arse?" asked Becky looking at me.

 "Is this the asshole Raya told us about on the car ride over here?" asked Renee.

"If she told you guys it's my ex and he hurt me then yes," I said.

"Everything okay?" asked Colby coming into the lobby and putting his cell in his back pocket.

"Oh Seth Rollins too?" asked Greg.

"Is this the mother fucker Raya told Renee, Bex, Ash and I about?" asked Colby standing next to me.

"Yes," said Becky.

Colby stood next to Zak immediately "What do you need Bro?" asked Colby looking at Zak.

"Nothing," said Zak shaking his head "I am heeding Elizabeth's advice and walking away. Come on Babe," he wrapped an arm around my waist leading me away.

"Wimp!!!!" shouted Greg.

Colby slugged him in the stomach "Don't you ever call someone a wimp when you can't back up your words."

"You stupid son of bitch," said Greg "That was a sucker punch."

"You're damn right it was," said Colby.

"Colby," said Rebecca grabbing Colby's arm as he was going in for a second punch.

Colby looks at Rebecca and his face softened instantly "You're right," he said grabbing her face and kissing her forehead.

"Let's just go," I said putting my hand on Colby's shoulder.

He looks at me "You're right and I am sorry," he said giving me a quick hug.

"Don't mention it Colbs," I said with a smile. 

Zak grabbed Elizabeth's hand and they start out of the hotel. Colby drapes his arm around Rebecca's shoulders if you looked at them you'd swear they were a couple but they aren't just the best of friends and don't have any romantic interest in one another or so they say .

The team walk to the two dark SUVs sitting in the round about in the front of the hotel.

"Can Beth ride with us and Colby go with you guys?" asked Raya.

"So you want my girl with you huh?" asked Zak.

"Your girl?" asked Renee with a smile "So I take it you two are finally a couple."

Elizabeth smiles at Zak and then looks at Renee "Yeah we are," she said.

"Then it's settled boys in one car," said Becky grabbing Elizabeth's hand "Girls in another. We have to hear about everything."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Is it ok Zak because I don't think they are going to let it go," she said with a giggle.

"Go be with your girls," said Zak kissing her on the lips "I will see you at the sight."

Elizabeth grabbed his jacket and kissed his lips deeper and harder "Love you Honey,"  she said.

"Love you more Babe," said Zak grabbing Elizabeth around the waist and kisser her back.

"Come on you two," said Aaron and Becky pulling the two apart "We gotta go."

Elizabeth and Zak laughed as they climbed into their respective SUVs.

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