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Zak's POV

I opened the door and right where I left them before Elizabeth and I made love twice was Gracie, Paxtin and Misty.

"Well I guess they waited for us," giggled Elizabeth as we left the room and all three dogs fought to be next to her so much so that Gracie pushed me to the side and she was on Elizabeth's right and Misty was on her left and Paxtin was right behind her.

She stopped and scooped Misty up and handed her to me. The she scooped Paxtin up and held onto him before petting Gracie "Well I guess I know who the favorite parent is," I said with a laugh.

She winks at me "You expected anything less?" she said leaning over and kissing me on the cheek. 

I shook my head as we went downstairs "Well no," I said with a smile before kissing her on the lips "Now how about I make you breakfast?"

"Your breakfast pizza?" she asked with a huge smile.

"Sure. Since that's about the only thing I make that you seem to like," I said.

She giggled as she put Paxtin on the floor and I followed suit with Misty.

Gracie sniffed them and nudged them with her nose gently before she looks at me as if to say Dad we have to go pee.

"I will let them out Honey. You make me my breakfast pizza then we are taking Gracie, Paxtin and Misty to your Mom's because Paxtin and Misty have to meet Grandma," she said with a smile before she kissed me.

"Well it is your day so whatever you want just know I have somethings planned for after Mom's place," I said.

She nodded as she tapped my ass before leading the dogs outside. I watched as she sat down and let the dogs run around and play while I got out the supplies out for my breakfast pizza.

"Zak," said Elizabeth as she came in with the dogs closely following her "Can I have sausage crumbles on my breakfast pizza please," she wrapped her arms around my waist "pretty please."

"Take a look," I said kissing the tip of her nose "What do you see."

She looks down and sees the eggs and sausage crumbles already on the pizza crust along with her favorite veggies "Oh I guess you know me," she said smiling at me.

"Every inch of you," I said capturing her lips with mine "Now the only question is which cheese?"

"Cheddar duh," she said.

"Oh yes how silly of me with eggs we always use cheddar," I said.

"Yeah," she said running her fingers through my hair "Silly goose," she boops my nose.

"Now let me finish your breakfast pizza my love," I said.

She smiled at me and kissed me before going to feed Gracie "Babe where is the food for Paxtin and Misty?" she asked.

"Right next to Gracie's food Love," I said.

"Alright," she said as I hear the kibble hit the  bowls and three very excited dogs nails clicking on the kitchen floor.

I put the pizza in the oven and I go over to start some music. As Heaven by Bryan Adams began. I went over and wrapped my arms around Elizabeth's waist as she watched the dogs eat. She jumped slightly before turning to me.

"Sorry if I scared you," I said.

"Don't worry about it," she said shaking her head "Best kind of scare."

I chuckled before kissing her "Dance with me?" I said.

"Gladly," she said  with a smile.

I pulled her close as My Eyes by Blake Shelton and Gwen Sebastian began to play. She rubbed the back of neck as she always did when we danced even before we were together. I held her other hand close to my heart as my other held her by her waist. As the song changed into Lost In Your Eyes by Debbie Gibson began which sorta described our relationship I have always been lost in those beautiful green eyes. 

"Elizabeth?" I said.

"Yes," she said.

"I have to take the pizza out," I said.

"Okay fine," she said "But I want to dance later."

"You got it," I said as I kissed her "Now hold those lips."

She held onto her lips and I smirk "What you said hold those lips," she said with a smirk.

"I love you,"  I said kissing her forehead "Now sit and I will  be over with the pizza."

She nodded and took a seat. As I was headed to the stove I see Gracie, Paxtin and Misty all gather round her. I smile as she looks down and smiled.

I placed the  pizza on the table "Thanks Honey," she said grabbing my arm and pulling me to her before connecting our lips.

"Let me go get the plates," I said.

"Okay," she said as she smacked my ass.

"Babe we need to eat," I said with a smirk.

She giggled as I Love The Way You Love Me by John Michael Montgomery began playing. I shook my head before going and getting the plates and utensils. I walked back over placing the plates down before handing Elizabeth a fork and knife.

"Thank you Honey," she said smiling at me as I cut the pizza and plate it "My Love," I said placing the plate in front of Elizabeth. She smiled "Smells good and looks good but not as good as you," she winked.

I rolled my eyes "Babe down girl," I said with a laugh as I plate a pizza slice for myself before taking a seat across from Elizabeth.

"What?" she said "I can't say that my boyfriend looks good?" 

Elizabeth's POV

Zak smirks at me "I did not say that because my girlfriend looks damn good but I know," he waved a hand in front of me "that mind works. The ass smack and the but not as good as you. I know exactly what you're thinking."

"Oh do you now?" I said leaning on my hand "Do tell me what am I thinking?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh something you won't allow us to do in the kitchen," he said.

A smirk rose on my lips "And you'd be wrong," I said.

"About what?" he asked.

"That I won't allow us to do that in here," I said.

Zak sat up and looked at me "Oh you little minx," he said laughing.

"Best believe it Honey," I said with a wink "But honestly I want to eat and get to Mom's place so she can meet Misty and Paxtin."

"Okay," he said as we ate and then went and got ready to head to Mom's house.

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