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Narrator's POV

As Zak lays Elizabeth softly in the bed as Falling In Love With You by Andy Gibb began playing. He lay on top of her his one leg between her legs as he connected their lips softly and sweetly.

Zak brushed the hair from her face as My Girl by The Temptations began. He smiled down at her and she back at him "Honestly Bizz I wish you saw yourself the way I do," he said.

She pouts slightly as she looked at him "I do too but," she reaches up and placed a hand on his cheek "I can't," her lower lip quivered before the tears fell.

"Hey come on now," he said wiping away the tears as he kissed her nose.

"Zak I can't. I don't know if I ever will," she whispered.

"Elizabeth," he said moving off of her and laying beside her facing her. He rested his head on his bent arm before using his other hand to turn her face to him "First off dry the tears. We have had to many tears these past few months," he leaned forward and kissed her lips "come on now."

She sniffled and looked at him before she wipes away tears "I know but this whole past five months have been hard. Like I was in a blender and the blender just stopped and I am still settling into what is my new normal. My Mom is gone. I wasn't even there when she passed away. She was alone!" she said as tears just fell like a waterfall.

Zak didn't hesitate he grabbed her and pulled her into a giant hug allowing her to cry. He strokes her hair and tries his best to comfort her.

"It will be ok," he said "And you know full well she wasn't alone."

"Yes she was," she sobbed into his shoulder.

Zak's POV

"Psychically maybe but you know exactly who came and got her," I said as I held her as she cried even harder as she held onto my shirt for dear life.

"I kn-kn-kn-know," she sniffled "But I wish I could've said goodbye."

"Honey," I said pulling her back from me "You know it isn't goodbye. It's a mere see you on the other side," I wipe her eyes.

"I-I-I know," she sniffled "It just hurts so much."

I sighed and kissed her forehead "I know it does. I don't wish this on my own worst enemy," I said.

"Neither do I," she said wrapping her arms around my torso and snuggled her face into the crook of my neck. I run my hands through her hair and I felt her breathing regulate. She had cried herself to sleep again.

I sighed before kissing the top of her head "Just sleep Babe," I said "Just sleep."

Narrator's POV

Zak buried his face into her hair and fell asleep himself.

They are awoken a few hours later by the doorbell ringing. Zak was the first to wake and he awoke Elizabeth gently.

"Mmmm," she moaned "Five more minutes."

"Babe someone is here," he whispered.

Elizabeth shot up and got out of bed quickly "Shit," she said as she quickly ran a brush through her bed head "That's probably Aaron and Victoria," she said "They were coming for dinner which I never made!"

She ran from the bedroom and to the front door before Zak even set his feet on the bedroom floor.

"Hi Beth," said Aaron with a smile.

"Hi Aaron and Victoria," said Elizabeth smiling brightly "Ummm seems I have cried myself to sleep again. I can have a quick dinner made up before the others get here "

Aaron held up a hand as Zak came downstairs "No need to worry," he said "Victoria and I have it covered."

"You-you-you do?" Elizabeth asked.

Aaron nodded and smiled "Of course Chipmunk," he said kissing her forehead "I knew you were going at sixty miles per hour when you need to go twenty. So Victoria and I ordered dinner. Billy and Diane are bringing the cake. Jay is bringing the appetizers and Nancy and Meredith are bringing the decorations and ice cream."

"But-but-but I-I-I fu-fu-fu-fucked up Zak's birthday," she cried.

Elizabeth's POV

"You did no such thing," said Zak as he came downstairs.

"I-I-I didn't?" I said sniffling.

"No," said Zak cupping my face "In fact you did the opposite. You made this first birthday without my Dad more barrable."

I blinked away tears but he reached up and wiped away the tears "Zak," I whisper.

"Bizz," he matched my whisper and leaned in and kissed me "I love you."

"I love you more," I whisper.

Zak shook his head and kissed my forehead "Nope not possible," he said "I love you more then there are stars in the universe."

I giggled and looked up at him "You're a dork," I said.

"Well you're a nerd," he said with a wink and a laugh.

I shook my head as I turned back to Aaron and Victoria "So what did you guys bring?" I asked as Zak wrapped his arms around me and I relaxed into him.

"Pizza and salad," said Aaron holding up the boxes.

"Oh my God I didn't even notice that," I said facepalming myself.

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