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Elizabeth's POV

I am making lunch for Zak and I while he was napping on the couch. After the gym Fergal had to go to work at the arcade he works at that helps him pay for his wrestling training.
"Zak," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.
He grabbed my hand and kissed the palm "Bizz," he said as he pulled me on top of him.
"Zak," I said softly smiling at him.
"What?" he asked kissing my nose.
"What do you think you're doing?" I said .
"I want to snuggle," he said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Zak I made lunch," I said softly kissing his cheek "Let's eat."
Zak looked at me and smiled "What did you make?" he asked.
"Nothing special," I said "Just turkey and provolone sandwiches on whole wheat, chips and a pickle with water."
"Can we eat here on the couch and watch movies?" he asked as he unwrapped his arms from around me.
"Fine," I said smiling as I tried to get up but Zak had other plans. He grabbed me and kissed my temple before letting go.
"What do you want to watch?" he said.
"Pretty Woman?" I said "Or Steel Magnolias."
"Bizz really?" he said.
"Please," I said smiling.
"You do realize when you do that, or your puppy dog eyes or pout at me. I would knock over a bank or even murder someone if you asked me to," he said smiling softly .
"Good to know," I giggled.

Zak's POV

I watched as Elizabeth went towards the kitchen while I found the DVD of Steel Magnolias and put it in the DVD player. What I told her was true she could hit me with a smile, a pout or the puppy dog eyes and I was toast. But now she knew it and I knew damn well she was going to use it to her advantage.
"You're back," I said as she came back in with the tray with our lunch on it .
"Yeah I am," she said with a giggle "It wasn't like I went to Siberia. I just went to our kitchen."
"Hahaha Bizz," I said as she set the tray down "I am just  starving. "
"Gee I don't know why," she said grabbing her plate "You only emptied the contents of your stomach about an hour and half ago."
I glared at her with furrowed brow "You're just a regular ole comedienne aren't you?" I said .
"Yes I am," she said laying her head on my shoulder and smiling at me.
Good God her and that smile and stupid me told her that smile would let her get away with anything with me. I kissed her nose "Okay I can't stay mad at you," I said .
"You never could," she said with her head still on my shoulder.
"Well this is true," I said as she sat up "Now let's watch the movie."
She picked up the remote and began the movie when she saw what I chose her eyes lit up and she leaned over and kissed my cheek "Thank you Z," she said softly.
I nodded and caressed her cheek "I will do anything to see those beautiful green eyes light up," I said.
Elizabeth blushed "Zak," she whispered " You have got to stop being that way. You don't know what that does to me."
I smiled "I do and that's why I do it," I teased.
"Ass," said Elizabeth smacking me on the shoulder.
"And proud of it," I said laughing before kissing her on the temple as she settled back into the couch. I laid back next to her and she laid her head on my shoulder as we ate and watched the movie. As always whenever we watched Steel Magnolias she cried like a baby when Shelby passed away and like always I comfort her by kissing the top of her head before wiping her eyes. Yes she has seen the movie more than a hundred times but it didn't matter she'd crack up laughing at Claire telling M'Lynn to smack Ouiser. Her giggle made my heart flutter.  As the movie ended she turned to me and smiled.
"Okay your turn to pick a movie," she said propping her feet up on our coffee table.
"Okay," I said "Are you ready to be scared?"
Elizabeth groaned "Oh no it's Lost Boys  isn't it?" she said pouting .
"You'll see," I said putting a DVD in before coming to sit down next to her as the house phone rang.
"Hold that thought," she said reaching over and answers it.

"Hello?" she said "Hi Baby."
"Honey I have to work a double tonight," said Fergal "I can't make our anniversary dinner. I'm sorry."
Elizabeth sighed "It's okay. It means extra money for classes for you," she said "Take it. I'll be okay."
"Thanks Honey, " said Fergal "I love you."
"I love you too," she said.
"Everything okay?" asked Zak as Elizabeth hung up .
She smiles slightly "Yeah. Ferg just had to cancel our anniversary dinner tonight he has to work a double," she said with a sigh.
"I'm sorry Bizz," said Zak " Hey I know how about you and I go out for a Bestie Valentine Dinner?  Just you and I making fun of the couples like we always used to."
Elizabeth smiled softly at Zak and nodded "I'd like that. Just like the good ole days," she giggled .

"Yeah a whole six years ago you dweeb," he said putting his forehead against hers "Now are you ready to be scared," he got a devilish grin on his face.
"If I must," said Elizabeth rolling her eyes. Zak laughed as he hit the play button and the opening strands of Pretty Woman started she looks over at him and he smiled "Z!"
" What? " he said kissing her forehead "Happy Valentine's Day bestie."

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