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June 2017

It has been a month since Elizabeth and Zak got together. This morning was like every morning since they had returned from the Willow Creek Insane Asylum investigation. She was up and getting their breakfast before carrying it back into their bedroom putting it on the table in the corner of the room.

"Zak,"  said Elizabeth gently shaking him and he groaned causing her to sigh "Zak," she shook him a little harder this time and again he groans "ZAK!!!!!!" she smacked his chest causing  his eyes to pop open and he grabbed Elizabeth around the waist and pulled her onto the bed. 

"Wake me up that way again?" he said tickling her and she started laughing and trying to roll away from him "And so help me," he smirks.

"Zak stop," she said wiggling to get away from him but he straddled her and began tickling her even more "Zak!"

"No," he said pinning her arms above her head before  he leaned down and made them nose to nose "Not until you say sorry for waking me like that."

Elizabeth smiles up at him "Why? " she asked "If you would learn to wake up the first time I woke you maybe I wouldn't have to wake you up like that."

Zak glared down at her and then broke into a broad smile "God I can't get mad at you," he said.

"I know," she said "And you never could."

"You've got my number," he said with a laugh still straddling her.

"Our  breakfast is going to get stone cold,"  she said.

"Stone cold? When did you become British?" asked Zak getting off of her and she sat up sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Raya rubs off on me when we talk," she said with a smile and laying her head on Zak's shoulder "Sorry."

Zak's POV

I smiled at Elizabeth "Well I have a meeting at one with the guys," I said.

"Do I have to come with you?" asked Elizabeth looking at me as I got up.

"No," I said shaking my head and pulled her to her feet "This one is with the network."

She pouted at me "So I have to be stuck here all alone?" she asked wrapping her arms around my waist.

"You can come with me but you'll be awfully bored since this meeting you can't even sit in on," I said.

"Fine," she said with a small sigh "Maybe Gracie and I will go for a hike."

"Okay," I said brushing the hair behind her ears and cupping her face before kissing her lips "I promise I will make it up to you I promise."

She looks at me with tear filled eyes "You don't have to I get it. It's your job," she said hugging me "I am just being a big baby."

I smiled at her as I held her close "How about I treat you to dinner tonight?" I asked.

"You cooking?" she asked with a small smirk.

"Ha ha ha Babe," I said grabbing her hand and leading her over to the table "No I will take you to Kenzie's."

"Kenzie's? Can we go to a movie too?" she asked "A drive in movie?"

"Why do I have a feeling you don't really want to go to a drive in to see a movie," I  said pulling out her chair.

"Oh Honey I do," she said sitting down "They have a double feature at the drive in Lost Boys and The Goonies."

"You want to see Lost Boys?!!!" I said.

Elizabeth nodded "Yes," she said smiling at me "Don't you think it's time? After all it's one of your favorite movies. You always watch mine," she took my hand into hers.

"Okay," I said "Dinner at Kenzie's and then the drive in."

Elizabeth smiled at me as we began to eat breakfast.

What she didn't know was that this meeting was just a ruse and I was actually planning a surprise party with Renee, Raya, Ryleigh, Becky and Ashley. Her five best girlfriends and I want to make her thirty fifth birthday a special one.

Elizabeth's POV 

"I will see you later," said Zak kissing me goodbye at the door "I will call you when I am done."

"Okay," I said holding onto his jacket and kissing him once more "Tell the guys I  said hi."

"I will," he said kissing my forehead as he left.

I sighed as I shut the door and Gracie padded over to me "Hey Gracie," I said patting her head "How about we go for a walk while Daddy is at work," Gracie wagged her tail and ran to where we kept her leash "Okay sweetie," I walked over and grabbed her leash and harness "Maybe I will call Renee and Ryleigh," I told Gracie as I got her ready before grabbing my cellphone and calling Renee and Ryleigh and oddly both went to voice mail "Hmm odd Renee and Ryleigh aren't answering. How about I call Grandma and Auntie Meredith?" I looked at Gracie who sat and wagged her tail so I called Nancy and Meredith and they both answered and said they'd meet Gracie and I at Zak's and my hiking spot "Let's go Gracie," I grabbed my fanny pack and water bottle as well as Gracie's bottle before grabbing my keys and we went to my car.

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