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Elizabeth Stachura is standing on the sidewalk outside of school shivering from the cold rain. The rain masks the tears falling from her eyes. It was another bad day at school per usual the bullies won again. Now as she waited for her ride she let the tears fall. She was alone or so she thought.
Zak Bagans came out of school and saw the petite girl with the soaking wet chocolate brown hair. He could hear her sobs and his heart instantly broke. He knew she must be having a rough day like him. As the bullies continue to make his life a living hell. Maybe like he did she just needed an ear. He walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.
"Excuse me," he said.
The petite brunette beauty looks up at him. He is struck by her gorgeous green eyes even though they are red and puffy from her crying.
"What do want?" she whispered "Are you here to make fun of me too?"
"What?" said Zak "I could never do something so mean. Especially since I am made fun of too. By the way the name is Zak Bagans," he extended his hand.
"Elizabeth Stachura," said the cute girl.
"Well Elizabeth nice to meet you," he said .
"Nice to meet you too," she said a small smile on her face.
"Can I ask why are you waiting outside in the rain?" he said.
"I just don't want to be in there with the jocks and the cheerleaders. I much rather get soaked then listen to them make fun of my clothes, the way I talk, walk and well I guess by just breathing I am a walking target ," said Elizabeth with a small sigh.
"Well do you need a ride somewhere?" asked Zak.
"Well thank you Zak but a family friend's daughter is supposed to be picking me up on her way home but she is like twenty minutes late, " said Elizabeth checking her watch.
"Well then the least I can offer is a warm and dry car for you to sit in while you wait" said Zak.
"Again thanks Zak but I don't think my parents would approve of their twelve year old daughter getting into a car with someone I'm guessing at least sixteen especially when they don't know him," said Elizabeth hugging herself to fight the chill she was getting.
"Seventeen and Elizabeth seriously would they rather have you get pneumonia or sit in a car with a young man who has been raised a gentleman?" he said showing off a crooked smile.
Elizabeth laughed "Well I guess it's okay. I am really actually cold," she said.
"Well then shall we?" asked Zak offering her his arm.
"Yes we shall," she said lacing her arm through his.
Zak leads Elizabeth to his car. As he opened the passenger side door "Elizabeth," he said with a soft smile.
"Thank you Zak," she said as she got into the car. He quickly shut the door before rounding the car and got in himself.
"October weather got love it huh?" asked Zak rubbing his hands together .
"Eh. I'd rather have rain then snow," said Elizabeth.
"Very true Elizabeth," said Zak .
"Zak please call me Beth," she said with a smile.
"Naw. I think I'll call you," he said stroking his chin "Bizz."
"Bizz? " asked Elizabeth raising an eyebrow "Really?"
"I could call you Lizardbreath, " he said.
"No no Bizz is fine," said Elizabeth raising her hands in defeat before rubbing them together and blowing on them.
"Would you like me to turn the heat on?" asked Zak.
Elizabeth nodded "Please?" she said looking at Zak.
He smiled and couldn't help but notice how pretty her eyes were "So are you doing okay?" he asked .
Elizabeth nodded "Yeah. I just hate how people are mean to me," she said wiping away a few fresh tears.
Zak reached up and gently wiped away the tears before he rested his hand on her shoulder "For what it's worth. I will never make fun of you," he said smiling at her.
"Thanks Zak," she whispered "But not to sound crass but you're just one person."
Zak sighs "I know," he said leaning back into his seat "But I know how you feel. This school is your stereotypical high school. Can't have weird interests like the paranormal and macabre ," he said with a frown.
Elizabeth's eyes widen "You like the paranormal and macabre?! I do too. If I could live Halloween three hundred and sixty five days a year I would!"
Zak laughed "Serious?! Me too!!! I love Halloween it's my favorite holiday and I love vampires," he said excitedly.
"Me too! But I hate heights, snakes, clowns and dolls oh and confined spaces!!!!" said Elizabeth looking at Zak .
Zak's mouth dropped "Okay did we just become best friends?! Those are my fears too!" he said with a small chuckle.
Elizabeth giggled slightly "Maybe we just did," she said as a car pulled in "Well there's my ride. Thanks Zak for letting me sit in your car waiting for Danielle."
Zak nodded "Anytime Bizz," he said smiling.
Elizabeth couldn't help but notice how kind and cute his crooked smile was "I'll see you tomorrow?"
Zak nodded "See you then," he said as Elizabeth got out and flagged her ride.
Zak watched as she got into the car and drove away. Yes he just met someone who was about to change his life for the better and well quite frankly and more than likely forever.

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