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August 2000

Zak and Elizabeth have lived together for the past two months. Since she moved in three days after high school graduation. Saying goodbye to her parents was hard but they knew she was in good hands with Zak there to provide a supportive shoulder and take care of her when she is sick. Basil and Sadie even made their way to Vegas, Lacey stayed with her parents.
It's the morning of Elizabeth's eighteenth birthday. She lays asleep in her bed. Basil and Sadie are laying in their dog bed curled up and sound asleep as well.
Zak opened her door quietly and tip toed in before jumping on the bed and effectively waking Elizabeth with a start.
"Oh my God Zak! What the hell!" said Elizabeth grabbing and throwing a pillow at him.
Zak chuckled as he dodged the pillow "Happy Birthday!!!" he said spreading his arms wide.
Elizabeth looked at her alarm clock "You ass it's only six thirty!!!! Why the fuck did you wake me up?!" she said.
Zak smiles as he laid down next to her "I missed you," he said.
She pie faced him "Asshole we are roommates we see each other every day!!!" she said rolling to her side to look at him.
"I know but today is an epic day!!!" he said reaching over and tucking her hair behind her ear "You're eighteen. You're a legal adult!"
"And this legal adult would like to sleep," she said with a soft smile.
"Would this legal adult like a bed mate?" he said.
Elizabeth raised an eyebrow "Who?" she said a smirk on her lips "You? What do you think Alicia would think?"
"We broke up last night," said Zak rolling to his back.
"Well I'm sorry to hear that," she said.
"Eh it was for the best she was kinda clingy and didn't like the fact my best friend is you," he said.
Elizabeth's head snapped up to look directly at Zak "I caused another one of your break ups?" she said .
"Naw," said Zak "Alicia wanted marriage and children like yesterday. You were just collateral damage."
"Oh great," said Elizabeth rolling her eyes before setting her head over Zak's heart. He began playing with her hair "but back to this whole bed mate thing. I don't think Adam will be to appreciative of you being my bed mate seeing as Adam and I haven't been a bed mate yet."
Zak rolled his eyes before kissing the top of her head "Not that kind of bed mate Bizz," he said with a chuckle.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth giggled "I know that goof," she said with a yawn.
"Oh come on we can actually snuggle in a bed without any parents freaking out!!!" I said.
She lifted her head tilting it ever so slightly "Well you have a point there," she said with a smile.
Hair fell into her face and I reached up and tucked it behind her ear "Or I can actually," I said stopping short.
"You can what?" she said confused.
"Nevermind," I said shaking my head before swallowing hard.
I wasn't going to torpedo her relationship. She had met Adam Casper at Freshman orientation. He is a junior at U of N Las Vegas and he was the upper class man showing her small group around. They began dating earlier this month so I wasn't going to torpedo that.
She shook her head "Zak there are times you're an enigma wrapped in a conundrum," she said placing her head back on my chest.
"I know," I said as I continue to play with her hair.
Elizabeth nodded "Uh huh," she said with another yawn.
I looked down moments later and Elizabeth had fallen sound asleep on my chest. I sighed before kissing the top of her head and burying my nose into her hair falling asleep myself.

"Hmmm," moans Elizabeth as the sunlight hit her in the eyes before she looks up and sees Zak and her eyes went wide " Oh my God," she whispered "Zak," she gently shook him he moans " Zak!! "she shook him a little harder again he moans "ZAK!!!!!" she smacked him in the chest as she sat up.
"Fuck! Ow why did you do that?!" said Zak.
"Zak we didn't," she said.
"How sleepy were you?" asked Zak.
"Huh?" asked Elizabeth.
"I came in and I woke you," said Zak.
"Oh my God it's still my birthday?!" asked Elizabeth rubbing the sleep from her eyes .
"For another thirteen hours," said Zak with a laugh sitting up "Damn Bizz when you sleep you sleep hard. What the fuck did you dream about?!"
"That's just it that little nap was the best sleep I ever had," said Elizabeth sitting next to Zak "Like ever! Listening to your heart beat and you playing with my hair was the best combination for me."
Zak burst into laughter "Well good to know for the future especially with your night terrors," he said smiling at her.
"Ass and you have those fucking night terrors too!!!" she said sticking her tongue out at him. Zak raised an eyebrow before tackling her to the bed tickling her. He straddles her to get more leverage "Zak stop!!!!" she managed to get out between giggles .
Zak looked down at her and she smiled up at him. Before he knew what he was doing he leans down and kissed her lips. Her eyes went wide before they slowly closed and she wrapped her arms around him as she deepened the kiss before Zak laid on top of her.
"Bizz?" he said breaking the kiss.
Her eyes met his "Zak?" she said.
"We can't," he said getting off of her "You're with Adam."
Elizabeth sighed and nodded "No you're right," she said "But thank you for that kiss."
Zak blushes "I should thank you," he said "That was the best kiss I have ever had."
It was Elizabeth's turn to blush "Well thank you," she said "Well let's get up and get some food I am starving."
Zak laughed "So am I," he said.

A Few Hours Later....

Elizabeth is getting ready for her date with Adam. Her friend Ashley Larsen sat on her bed watching her put her makeup on.
"So where is Adam taking you?" asked Ashley .
Elizabeth shrugged "He won't tell me," she said "He said it's a surprise."
" A surprise wow and you two have only been dating for three weeks and he is already doing that? " said Ashley.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Ash seriously," she said "It's my birthday! Of course he wants it to be a surprise. All I know is he told me to dress nicely."
Zak stuck his head in "Adam is here Bizz," he said "Hi Ash."
"Hey Zak," said Ashley "Well I will let you go. I have to meet Cameron for dinner myself."
"Bye Ash," they said at the same time as Ashley left.
"Jinx you owe me a soda!" said Elizabeth smiling at Zak.
"Okay," he said kissing her nose.
"Zak," she said.
"What?" he said smiling at her.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Dork," she said shaking her head.

Several hours later....

Zak's POV

I am sitting watching a movie on tv when I hear the door to the apartment open and slam close. The next thing that meets my ears is the sobs coming from Elizabeth.
I got up and immediately went to her only to find her sitting against the front door crying and shivering.
"Bizz?" I said getting on the floor next to her.
"Zak," she whispered turning to me before falling into my open arms.
"What happened?! " I said hugging her.
"Adam broke up with me," she said "That was his fucking surprise! He broke up with me. He took me out and broke up with me in the middle of the restaurant!!!"
"What an ass," I said "Come on I'm watching Goonies. Come watch with me."
"Can I change into my duckie pajamas first?" she asked as I reached up and wiped the tears away.
"Of course," I said kissing her forehead "Come on," I stood and helped her up.
She snuggled into me before kissing my cheek "I love you Zak," she said.
"I love you too," I said as she slipped from my arms and went to her bedroom. A few minutes later she came out in her pink tank top and duckie pajama shorts. She sat next to me and I covered us up with the blanket. She snuggled next to me and laid her head on my shoulder as we ate popcorn and watched the Goonies. As we ate our hands grazed each other more than once in the popcorn bowl. Every time they did she would giggle slightly making my heart skip a few beats. I could get used to this but we aren't even remotely close to us being an us at least not yet."Bizz do you wanna watch Dirty Dancing next?" after the movie ended I got no response and I looked down and Elizabeth had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I sighed "Good night Bizz and Happy Birthday," I kissed the top of her head before covering her more and I shut the tv and lights off.

They woke up the next morning on the sofa laying down in each other's arms. Zak smiles happily as Elizabeth's eyes flutter open and met his eyes.
"Good morning Bizz," he whispered before kissing her forehead.
"Good morning Zak," she said kissing his cheek "Thank you for being my shoulder last night."
"Always," he said "Always and forever Bizz."

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