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December 2000

Christmas morning the first in Vegas. Zak and Elizabeth couldn't make it home due to a snow storm that grounded all flights in and out of Buffalo. So here they were all their friends back with their families and it was just the two of them alone in Vegas.
"Good morning Bizz. Merry Christmas!" said Zak coming into the kitchen while Elizabeth stood by the stove making breakfast.
"Good morning Zak. Merry Christmas!!" she said as Zak kissed her cheek.
"Whatcha making?" asked Zak wrapping an arm around Elizabeth's waist.
"Pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns and toast," she said smiling up at him before hip checking him "I mean you could help a bit."
"Where are my manners. I am so sorry," he said as he cooked the bacon and sausage.
Zak glanced over at Elizabeth and smiled softly okay so they both wanted to be home but he  had to admit he wouldn't want to be stuck at home with anyone else.
"What?" asked Elizabeth looking up at him.
"Nothing," he said smiling down at her before she stood on tip toe and kissed him on the cheek "What was that for?"
"Just because," she said.
"Oh okay," said Zak kissing her on the lips.
She pulled back "What was that for?!" she said.
"Just because, " said Zak with a smirk.
Elizabeth rolled her eyes "Dork," she said smiling. Zak raised an eyebrow before turning off the stove "Hey! What did you do that for?!"
"So I could do this," he said grabbing her face and kissing her on the lips.
She quickly deepened the kiss as she wrapped her arms around him. He spun her into the refrigerator as he traveled down her jaw to her neck "Zak," she moans.
"Elizabeth," he said as he made a meal out of her neck as he slowly started pushing her tank top up her torso.
"Zak woah," she said and he stopped and looked at her.

Zak's POV

"What are we doing?" asked Elizabeth
"What do you mean what are we doing?!" I asked .
"This," she said pointing between us and then her neck and her half pushed up tank top.
"I was hoping we could," I said before finishing the rest in her ear.
"Zak!" said Elizabeth her eyes wide.
"Well?!" I said.
"I uh," said Elizabeth biting her lip as she looks at me before a smile curves those kissable lips "Yes."
"Yes?!" I said .
Elizabeth nodded "Yes," she said as I pulled her to me and connected our lips.
Our hands explored one another as I traveled down her jaw to her neck "Your bed or mine?" I said looking at her.
"Does it really matter?" asked Elizabeth raising eyebrow.
"No not really," I said and was about to kiss her again when a knock came on our apartment door "Fuck."
Elizabeth and I broke apart . She quickly adjusted herself as we walked to the door and I prayed whomever was at the door didn't see the growing need for the woman standing next to me. I opened the door.
"Surprise!!!!" yells my Mom, Dad, Step Mom, Sister, her new husband and Elizabeth's parents.
Elizabeth and I exchange looks of horror boy was the people standing at our door an instant mood killer.
"Oh my God. What are you guys doing here," said Elizabeth smiling as best she could .
"Well we were able to get out of Buffalo so we came to you guys," said Meredith .
"And none of you bothered to call?!" I said.
"Zak!" said Elizabeth raising an eyebrow.
"Did we interrupt something?" asked my brother in law James a smirk on his lips.

Elizabeth's POV

"You didn't interrupt anything," I said praying I sounded convincing as Zak and I exchanged looks.
"Right," said Zak "Absolutely positively nothing. It wasn't like Bizz and I were about to have sex for the first time."
I hid my face behind my hands "Oh God," I said.
Meredith and James laughed as I gave Zak a death stare. Zak blushed and mouthed 'Sorry' to me.
"Oh," said Nancy "As long as you two were about to use protection as well."
Oh my God this is not happening!  I thought.
"Hi Mom and Dad," I said with a pained smile.
Mom and Dad looked at me "You're eighteen we can't actually tell you what to do anymore. Just like Nancy said as long as you two were going to use protection," said Mom.
Okay now I have to throw myself off the balcony I thought.
This is absolute nightmare!!!! My best friend just spilled. No wait my reaction to what he said spilled the fact that we were about to sleep together. Now I really do have to throw myself off the balcony.
"Bizz," said Zak poking me in the ribs.
"Huh?" I asked "Are you joining us in the living room?"
"Oh yeah," I said.

Elizabeth followed Zak into the living room. They were both horrified by their families just showing up. It definitely put a damper on things. They had both wanted it and they were both ready to take their relationship to the next level. But right now with their families in town that certainly wasn't going to happen.

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