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June 1995

Today is the day of Zak's graduation from high school. Elizabeth is with Nancy, Meredith and Zak's dad Larry in the stands with the families and friends of the Senior Class of 1995. As the class came out on the football field Zak immediately found Elizabeth who smiled and waved at him. He smiled and waved back.
He followed Keith Austin. Behind Zak was Lynne Bailey.
"So you're still best friends with that seventh grader?" asked Keith.
"Yes," said Zak " And she'll be an eighth grader next year. And why worry about my life and worry about your own huh? "
Keith rolled his eyes "Whatever Dork," he said turning to James Ashton "What an idiot," he pointed at Zak.
"Don't worry about him Zak," said Lynne "I think it's so sweet how you two are there for each other. Who knows maybe in the future you two will mean more to one another."
"You're not the first one to say that," said Zak.
"Well you never know," said Lynne with a shrug "Elizabeth could be the one."

Zak's POV

I looked at Lynne someone I have known since kindergarten. Besides Jacob she was one of the only people who I actually got along with in the Senior Class. Elizabeth, Jake, Lynne and Lynne's girlfriend Cassidy Reid were the only ones I actually got along with in the entire school.
"Why do people keep saying that?" I asked.
"Well maybe they see how you are with one another," she said "Or it could be the fact how you light up at the mere mention of her name," she smiled softly "but I get it. It's hard especially since there is a five year age gap. Now you're going off to college and Elizabeth is stuck here for another five years. You'll be more than likely out of college and onto your first job when she becomes a Freshman again in college. "
I sighed "Thanks Lynne now you've given me a shit load to think about," I said.
"Sorry," said Lynne "But just know if you two ever do get together I will be in the chorus of I told you so. But also don't you ever hurt her she is a sweetheart."
"I know that," I said turning in my seat and catching her eye again. She smiles brightly at me and waved again.
"See that grin right there. I know somewhere in your heart she has made a place and she has set up a permanent residence," said Lynne .
I had a lot to think about. It's true I was off to college more than half way across the country as I will be attending University of Nevada Las Vegas. Elizabeth was staying here in our hometown for the next five years at least for high school. But it's also true Elizabeth had taken up a permanent residence in my heart and my head for that matter. I was already dreading the goodbyes at the end of July. I had to miss her thirteenth birthday because I'd be in classes for my Freshman year of college. Although Elizabeth already knew this and I was making it up during Winter Break I still hate the fact that I was going to be away from her.
"Zak!" said Lynne nudging me "Go!"
Oh my God how embarrassing I had been lost in a dream and had completely held up the graduation ceremony.
I quickly got up and ran to follow Keith.

After getting his diploma and throwing his hat in the air Zak found his parents, sister and most importantly his best friend.
"Congratulations!!!" said Elizabeth throwing her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek "I'm so proud of you."
"So are we," said Nancy and Larry.
"Me too little brother," said Meredith .
"I mean even if you did hold up the entire graduation ceremony," said Elizabeth a smirk on her lips.
"Brat," teased Zak tickling Elizabeth.
"Stop!!!" giggled Elizabeth but Zak pulled her closer and tickling her more.
"Okay you two," said Nancy her arms crossed over chest.
"Sorry Mom," said Zak.
"Okay now I want a picture of you two," said Nancy .
Zak put his arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and Nancy snapped the picture. It wasn't the first they had had together but it was going to be the last at least for awhile.

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