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Narrator's POV

After making love Zak called Dan and made an appointment for Elizabeth to get the butterfly with hearts tattoo.

"Zak?" she said "I want color with this one."

"You do?" asked Zak.

"Yeah," said Beth "Red and Black for the butterfly and purple for the hearts."

"Okay," said Zak "That will be a bit longer in the chair."

"I am fine with that as long as you're by my side," she said with a small shrug "I want this tattoo."

Zak chuckled and shook his head with smile "God I love you," he said.

"Love you more," she said.

Zak's POV

"Not possible," I said.

"It's possible. If a plain and ordinary pumpkin can become a golden carriage. It's possible," she said.

I laughed "Your Broadway side is showing," I said with a smile.

Elizabeth blushed and smiled at me "Zak," she said with a giggle.

"It's true Bizz," I said with a smirk "You just quoted a line from Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella."

Elizabeth blushed even deeper "I don't even know I was doing that," she said with a small giggle "But I am rubbing off on you if you knew that. You knew I quoted Cinderella."

"It's cute," I said as we pulled into the  tattoo parlor.

Elizabeth's POV

"Zak," I said. 

He laughed and kissed my cheek "What? It's true," he said "Now let's go get you that tattoo."

I nodded and we entered the tattoo parlor. 

An hour and half later we are exiting the parlor.......

"So do you like your new tattoo?" asked Zak.

"Yes," I said with a smile "I am starving though. Let's go get some food."

"Okay let's go get some food," he said.

"I am in the mood for a monster salad. Let's just grab the ingredients at the store and go home. Then we can binge watch some TV shows we've been waiting to watch and snuggle. Seeing as you're back on the road in three days," I pouted.

Zak smirked as he kissed me "You do realize I am bringing you with me right? You're our newest investigator remember?" he asked with an arched eyebrow.

"I-I-I-I. What? I thought this one you didn't want me to be a part of because of the things that happen to women there," I said.

"I am bringing you with me," said Zak booping my nose as he wrapped his arms around me before lifting me up and wrapping my legs around his waist "because I can't live without you in my arms at night. The last time it was that kind of investigation it was long and lonely."

"Zak," I said with a small sigh before I rested my forehead against his "You know we aren't home and when you say stuff like that I want to show you how much you mean to me."

Zak smirked and squeezed my ass before kissing me and dipping his tongue into my mouth. He put me on his car's truck and we began to make out. My hands natural wound into his hair as he moved down my jawline to my neck.

"God I want you," he growls against my neck.

"Then you can have me," I said as his head shot up and he looked at me.

"What?" he asked.

"Then you can have me. Just get me home," I said with a raised eyebrow.

He quickly pulled me off the car "Get in. Get in!!!" he said a bit breathless.

I giggled as I got in and slid over to him "Floor it," I whispered in his ear as I nipped it. 

Zak's POV

Elizabeth didn't have to tell me twice. I turned the car on and screeched the tires pulling out. 

"God," I said as I ran my hand up her bare leg as she put her feet up on seat beside her as she kissed my neck "How can you turn me on so badly all the time?" 

"It's a gift," she said kissing my jawline "Umm Zak can you maybe stay in your lane though?" 

"Sorry," I said as I quickly pulled off and into a secluded parking lot lined with a bunch of trees.

"Zak?" she said with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't wait," I said pointing at my pants.

She looked down and back up at me before smirking as she wrapped her arms around my neck and got into my lap pushing me into the car seat as she quickly made short work of my t-shirt. I was letting her take the lead for now. She threw my shirt onto the floor boards as I quickly took off her tank top and threw it with my shirt.

"Front seat or back?" she asked.

I raised an eyebrow and smiled "We have never tried the front," I said with a wink.

"Then the front it is," she said as she fell backwards and pulled me on top of her.

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