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December 1994

Christmas break was finally here. Zak and Elizabeth had a ton of plans to hang out and do things with Jacob and Cheryl.
They were on a somewhat short leash because of the confession they had made early last month.
Zak is standing on the front porch of Elizabeth's house. He is waiting for her to answer the door.
"Hey," she said opening the door "Come on in. I am still getting ready. You want some hot chocolate?" she smiled at him.
"No thank you," he said shutting the door after he came in.
"Okay," said Elizabeth sitting on the steps to the second floor so she could pull on her boots "By the way Cheryl can't go today. It's her Nana's birthday party."
"Jake can't make it either," said Zak stuffing his hands into his jacket.
"Oh," said Elizabeth "You mean it's just the two of us?! "
Zak chuckled "Guess so," he said. Elizabeth blushed as Zak brushed the hair behind her ear "If you don't want," he placed his hand on her cheek.
"No it's okay we know better now," she said putting her hand over his "You just can't kiss me on the lips."
"Jerk," he said playfully pushing her on her shoulder.
She smiles up at him "And yet you adore me," she said.
"God help me but yes," said Zak helping Elizabeth up. 
She smiles up at him. She reached up and boops his nose "And I adore you," she said "Now let's go Christmas shopping."
"Let's," said Zak holding her jacket for her.

"Thank you," said Elizabeth as she slipped her jacket on.
"You're welcome," said Zak kissing her cheek .

Zak's POV

Elizabeth blushed "Zak," she said.
"What I can't kiss your cheek?" I asked.
"Well of course you can," she said smiling up at me "As long as that's the only place you kiss me," she opened the door before looking at me smirking.
"Why you little," I said a smirk forming on my lips.Elizabeth yelped and took off running "Get back here!!!"
I ran after her "No!!" she said turning around but she failed to see the patch of ice.
"Bizz!" I said taking off and grabbing her before she fell.
"Oh my God. Thank you Zak," she said hugging me tightly.
"Hey I've got you. I always will," I said.
"Promise?" asked Elizabeth holding her pinkie up at me.
"Promise," I said hooking my pinkie with hers. We kissed our thumbs and pretended to spit.
"You know we have to find a new way to promise each other," said Elizabeth smiling up at me.
"I don't know it's kinda our thing," I said draping my arm around her shoulders.
"I guess you're right," she said hugging me around my waist before leaving an arm around my waist.
I am not going to lie this felt right. Maybe Mom and Meredith knew something that we didn't.
Maybe just maybe in the future we could be more but for right now she is my best friend and well that's quite alright by me.

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