105 4 3

May 2017

Zak's POV

I found Elizabeth sitting on the sofa in the hotel we are staying at. We are in So Cal for the next investigation.
"Hey," I said sitting down next her.
"Hey," she said smiling at me before returning to looking at her phone.
"Whatcha looking at?" I asked peering over her shoulder.
"Uhhh," she doesn't make eye contact with me "puppies at the SPCA," she said blushing.
"Bizz," I said raising an eyebrow.
"Can't I just look?" she asked giving me the sad eyes.
"Of course," I said kissing her temple.
"Look at this one," she said showing me a picture on her phone "This is Lilly the Pomeranian and this is Duke the Shit Zu" she smiled at me.
"Those don't exactly look like puppies Bizz," I said.
"I know but if we can't get a puppy I still want a dog for my birthday present please," she said laying her head on my shoulder and looking up at me "Pretty please?" before she pouts.
God does my heart skip a few thousand beats when she does this.
"Okay," I said sighing "Whatever you want."

Zak and Elizabeth are so busy just staring into one another's eyes that they are completely unaware that Aaron, Billy , Jay and Dakota are standing there watching them.
"Should we break up this moment?" asked Billy.
"Are you crazy?!" asked Jay "If they finally just admit that they are hopelessly in love with one another and not just say I adore you. We can finally get off this merry go round of will they won't they."
"Jay's right man," said Aaron.
"Elizabeth?! Zak?!" asked a voice behind them. 
Aaron, Billy, Jay, Dakota, Zak and Elizabeth all turned in the direction that the voice came from.
"Greg?!" said Elizabeth standing up and coming over to him before hugging him "How have you been? Long time no see."
"I've been good and you're right it's been a long time," he said still holding onto her waist as Zak came over to them "Hi Zak," he extended his hand "How have you been?"
"Good," he said watching Greg still holding onto Elizabeth's waist as he shook Greg's hand.
"What are you doing here?" asked Elizabeth looking at Greg.
"I'm here for a wedding. I'm a groomsmen," he said "What are you doing here?"
"We're here for an investigation of Willow Creek Insane Asylum," she said.
"Well are you free for drinks later?" asked Greg looking at Elizabeth.
"Well I don't drink," she said.
"Well dinner then?" he said.
"Well uhh Zak is that okay? I mean we have nothing planned right?" she said.

Zak's POV

"What?!" I said still looking at the hand placed on Elizabeth's waist.
"We don't have anything planned later do we? Greg wants to go to dinner," she said.
"No we don't," I said "That's sounds like fun. When should Bizz and I meet you? "
"Well this is awkward," said Greg rubbing the back of his neck finally releasing Elizabeth from his grasp "I was kinda hoping it would just be Beth and I."
"You don't mind do you Zak?" she asked.
"Yeah Zak you don't mind, " said Aaron.
"Shut it Aaron," I hissed under my breath.
"Zak?!" said Elizabeth touching my arm "I won't go just say the word."
"No go have fun. But just be good to her because it's not just me you'll be answering to anymore," I said "Right guys?"
"Right," they said.
"So Greg tell me what is it you do for a living?" asked Jay.
"I'm a doctor, " he said smiling at Elizabeth.
"Well you did always want to be one," she said tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Yeah," he said "By the way I still feel horrible about what Justin Tucker said all those years ago."
"Forget about it," said Elizabeth waving her hand "Water under the bridge."
"So should we meet here in the lobby say about six?" he said .
"Six sounds lovely," she said with a smile.
"Then," he said taking her hand and kissing it "I will see you lovely lady at six. Zak," he smiles at me!!!! The bastard actually smiled at me!!!!
"Oh Greg wait where are my manners?" said Elizabeth "This is Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, Jay Wasley and Dakota Laden. Aaron, Dakota, Billy and Jay this is Greg Palmer my high school boyfriend."
"Hi," they said.
"Nice to meet you all. But I have to run I have a final fitting for my tux," he said smiling at Elizabeth again!!!! "See you at six. By the way  it's the wedding rehearsal dinner."
" Ooh Greg I don't want to intrude, " she said shaking her head.
"You're not," he said "I did have a plus one but she bailed the morning before we left. I'll just tell my buddy I am bringing you. "
"Okay," she said smiling.
"Adieu," he said leaning in and kissing her cheek.

Aaron's POV

Elizabeth giggled and Zak rolled his eyes I could tell he was moments away from decking Greg.
"Bye Greg," she said as Greg left.
Elizabeth turned to us.
"Look at that smile," teased Billy .
"Are you blushing?" asked Jay.
"Guys stop!" said Elizabeth blushing even redder than she had been previously.
"Yeah be cool guys," I said noticing Zak's right eye twitching .
"Z are you okay?" asked Elizabeth looking at him before grabbing his face "I won't go with Greg just say the words."
Zak looks at Elizabeth "No," he said "I'm fine you go. You're not like that Bizz."
"Zak," said Elizabeth softly "Are you sure?"
Zak swallowed hard before looking into Elizabeth's eyes and I could see the moment his heart broke "Go. Have fun," he said smiling "Just tell me all about when you get back."
Elizabeth frowns slightly. I knew it had something to do with her saying 'just say the words. ' I honestly had an idea what that meant but in all honesty it wasn't my place to say something.
"Okay," she said "Now excuse me I have to call Ashley to see what I should wear to a wedding rehearsal dinner."

The five men watched as Elizabeth put her cellphone to her ear before walking away.
"Dude," said Aaron slapping the back of Zak's head " Why don't you  just tell her how you fucking feel?! "
"It's not that simple. We know how each other feel. It's something else that is a road block," said Zak.
"No you guys say I adore you. When you really both want to scream I am so fucking in love with you I can't see straight!!!" said Jay shaking his head.
"You guys just don't understand," said Zak frowning " So just drop it."
The four men watched as Zak climbed the stairs to the rooms upstairs. Their hearts broke because they knew that this was killing Zak to watch Elizabeth quite possibly slip through his fingers. Well that was the day these four men made a pact no matter what and  how long it took they were going to get Zak and Elizabeth together.

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