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November 1995

Nearly three and half months have passed since Zak and Elizabeth had seen each other in person. Yes there were their weekly calls and the calls because I missed your voice or the calls where Elizabeth would cry because the bullies got the upper hand yet again. But today they would actually get to see each other in person and finally get to hug.
Elizabeth woke up that morning a bundle of nerves. She had grown up quite a bit in that three and half months. She had finally turned thirteen, started her period, grew at least three inches and other things had grown too. She was no longer that little girl Zak had left behind in July. Her Mom drove her over to Nancy's house as she was spending the day with Nancy to help make a welcome home dinner for Zak.
What neither knew was Zak was bringing someone with him. His new girlfriend Mandy Harding.

Zak's POV

"Relax they are going to love you," I said grabbing Mandy's hand and kissing it.
"I hope so," said Mandy "It would suck to come to my boyfriend's hometown and his family and friends hate me especially when I love said boyfriend."
I smiled "I love you too Mandy," I said as I pulled up in front of my Mom's house.
After shutting off the car I got out rounding the car and opening the door for Mandy. She immediately laced our fingers together as we walked up the walk way to my Mom's house. The door clicks open and a voice tickled my ears.
"Zak?!" said Elizabeth and it pains me  immediately when I heard the hurt in her voice.
"Bizz," I said as Mandy and I climbed the steps.
"Hi you must be Elizabeth," said Mandy holding out her free hand "I heard a lot about you."
" And I heard nothing about you, " said Elizabeth glaring at me "And I thought I was your best friend I was right you did forget about me," she grabbed her jacket and pushed between Mandy and I.
I stood there rooted to my spot as my Mom came tearing out of the house and after Elizabeth.
"Elizabeth sweetheart wait," said Mom.

Elizabeth's POV

"Miss. Nancy please don't," I said.
Nancy reached out grabbing me. She spun me around to look at her. She reached up and tucked my hair behind my ear "I'm sorry honey I thought you knew he was seeing someone. I didn't know he'd be bringing her," she said.
"It's not your fault," I said as Zak came running up to us "it's his," I glared at him before turning and stalking off down the sidewalk. I stuffed my hands into my pockets and continued towards my friend Laura's house. From there I could call Mom to pick me up. But before I could turn the corner onto her street. Two arms grabbed me and I was thrown over his shoulder "PUT ME DOWN!!!" I screamed .
"No not until we get back to Mom's place," said Zak .
I kicked my feet and hit his back with all that I had "Zachary Alexander Bagans put me down!!!" I yelled .
"NO!!!" yells Zak as he climbed the steps to his Mom's house . He spoke the truth and didn't set me down until we were in Nancy's living room with Nancy and some blonde bitch what was her name again? Oh right Mandy. Yuck!
"Now listen to me," said Zak grabbing me by shoulders "I am sorry I just sprung Mandy on you like that."
"Zak I thought I was your best friend. How could you not tell me you had a girlfriend?! We talk every week. Hell we write each other too!!! Not one single mention of her," I said pointing at the blonde in the easy chair.
"You never told Elizabeth about me?" asked Mandy standing up her arms crossed over her chest "I thought you two told each other everything. That's what you told me. If we love," she said.
"Love?! You love her?!" I said feeling my world crashing in around me. But why? Zak is just my best friend I can't have those type of feelings for him!!! I am thirteen! He's eighteen! "No!" I shook my head "I can't."
" You can't what?" asked Zak.
My eyes shot up to him and I stood there silent.

"You know what?" said Mandy "I can't either. I can't be with someone who couldn't be honest with his best friend."
"What?" asked Zak spinning around.
"You should have told her," said Mandy "I will call myself a cab and just go home home. This is why I don't date younger guys. Could I use your phone ma'am?"
Nancy nodded and handed her the portable phone. Mandy called a cab for herself and left the house.
"She left?!" said Zak before turning to Elizabeth .
"I'm sorry," whispered Elizabeth crying "I-I-I-I-I didn't mean to have her break up with you."
Zak looked at her and saw the tears freely flowing "It's okay. It's not your fault. If she couldn't forgive me for one mistake. I didn't mean to not tell you about her," he said as he  pulled Elizabeth into a tight hug " then I guess she wasn't the one for me. Maybe I shouldn't date an older woman," Zak chuckled "When it's clear I have more in common with ones who are younger."
Elizabeth pulled back and shook her head "Dork," she said smirking before kissing Zak on the cheek.

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