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Elizabeth's POV

We entered the tattoo parlor and I am already a bundle of nerves. I looked at the walls and the books of tattoo. Zak rubbed my back.

"You know you don't have to do this," he whispered to me before kissing my temple.

"I know," I said as I flipped through a book of tattoos "But I promised you if I lost I would get a tattoo and I lost. So a promise is a promise."

Zak turned me to him and held me by the shoulders before lifting my chin so I would look him in the eyes "Baby," he said "I know you hate needles. You honestly don't have to."

"Zak please I want to do this for you. For me. For us," I said as I ran a hand up his chest before placing my hand on his cheek "Please?"

Zak raised his hands up in defense "Alright," he said leaning forward and kissing me  "Alright. Let me help you figure this out."

"Okay," I said as I looked at a cute design of two intertwined hearts "How about this one," I looked up at Zak "And your name?"

"Mmmhm," said Zak with a smile "Maybe I will get a new one too with your name."

"Really?" I said.

Zak nods "Of course," he said.

Zak's POV

Elizabeth smiled up at me "Oh Zak," she said throwing her arms around my neck "How sweet."

I laughed and wrapped my arms around her waist before leaning in and kissing her lips.

"Are you ready?" asked the tattoo artist.

"Yes," said Elizabeth with a half smile "Let's just do this."

The tattoo artist named Dan laughed "So have you chosen the tattoo?" he asked and Elizabeth pointed at the two intertwined hearts.

"Ok and anything else with it?" he asked.

Elizabeth nodded causing her ponytail to sway side to side "Yes," she said "I want the name Zak somehow incorporated into it."

"I think I can do that," said Dan.

"Great," she said with a big smile as she looked at me "Will you hold my hand?"

"Of course," I said with a smile and a wink.

"Oh you," she smiled brightly, "I love you."

"Love you more," I said.

She sat down in the chair and I sat on her right as she was having the tattoo put on her left wrist.

"So what colors do you want?" asked Dan.

"Purple and red for the hearts and Black for Zak's name," she said biting her lip in thought "Maybe incorporate the name Zak into the red heart."

"Okay," said Dan as he got the colors "Are you getting one man?" he looked at me.

I nodded "Yeah but after her," I said "I wanna be here and hold her hand."

Elizabeth smiled at me "Thank you," she said.

Narrator's POV

Dan started the tattoo and as soon as he started. The tears fell and Zak wiped them away. About an hour later the tattoo was finished on the inside of her left wrist. Before Dan put the covering on it he allows Beth to look at it. 

"Well?" he asked. 

"I actually love it," she said with a smile "I think I want another already. On my finger. The one like Zak's but I want it somewhat smaller."

"Another already?" asked Dan.

Elizabeth nodded and shrugged "Why the hell not," she said.

Zak chuckled "So two tattoos?" he asked.

Elizabeth smiled up at him and nodded as she sat down.

"Is that wrong?" she asked as she held out her right pointer finger.

"No," said Zak "It is kinda cute."

Zak's POV

"You're kinda cute," said Elizabeth with a grin.

"Not as cute as you," I said as I leaned forward and kissed her forehead.

Elizabeth blushed "Okay now Zak show him your tattoo," she said "I want the exact same one on my finger but not as large."

Dan nodded "Alright and do you want here or here?" he asked pointing to two spots on Elizabeth's right pointer finger.

"Here," she said pointing to the top "And a small Z on the inside."

"Three?" I laughed.

She shrugged "I said a small Z. So everyone has no doubt who I love," she said.

I smiled and kissed her lips.

"Okay can I give the tattoos now?" asked Dan.

 "Of course," said Elizabeth as she sat forward and Dan began the process of the two small tattoos.

"There," he said "Your turn," he looked at me.

Elizabeth stood up and I took the chair "Okay I want Bizz right here," I pulled my shirt up and pointed at my peck "Inside a purple heart."

Elizabeth smiled at me "Zak," she said. 

"What?" I said.

"Bizz really?" she smiled softly and giggled.

"Well you will always be my Bizz," I said taking her left hand and kissing it.

"I love you," she said.

"And I love you," I said as I pulled her to my lips and kissed her "Okay."

Dan nodded and began on my tattoo. It hurt like hell but it was my most meaningful tattoo as well.

"Let's go," said Beth "I want to go home and watch movies now and order from Franco's."

I laughed  "Okay," I said as I took her left hand after I paid we went home.

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