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November 1994

"Bizz," said Zak smiling as he approached Elizabeth and her friend Cheryl Samuels.
"Hi Zak," she said with a soft smile.
"Hi Zak," said Cheryl enthusiastically.
"Hi," said Zak smiling "Can I talk to you alone Bizz?"
"Of course," said Elizabeth "Cheryl I will see you at lunch?"
"Of course. Bye Zak, " she said smiling.
"Bye,"  said Zak before turning to Elizabeth.
"You know she has a crush on you," said Elizabeth.
"Cheryl?" asked Zak pointing over his shoulder.
"Yeah," said Elizabeth smiling "She has had a crush on you since the start of the school year."
"Oh," said Zak "She's cute but she's no you."
"Zak," said Elizabeth blushing.
"What?" he said "It's the truth," he smiled.
"Stop," said Elizabeth blushing even harder "Now you wanted to talk to me?"
"Yeah. Mom wants to know if you and your parents want to come over for dinner on Saturday night? " he asked.
"I will have to ask because Dad sometimes has to work on Saturdays," said Elizabeth "But if Dad doesn't have to work I am sure Mom would be happy to because your Mom and my Mom have become fast friends."
"Just like we have," said Zak pulling Elizabeth into a huge hug.
The bell rings "I will see you later," said Elizabeth with a small smile.
"Of course," said Zak.
Elizabeth stood on tip toe and gave him a kiss on the cheek before she walks away.

Zak's POV

I watched as Elizabeth walks away and into the flow of students.
"Hey," said my friend Jacob Jansen.
"Hi Jake," I said.
"Talking to Elizabeth again?" asked Jacob a smirk on his lips.
"Shut up. You know it's not like that," I said blushing slightly.
"It's actually really kinda sweet how you two are," said Jacob " Who knows maybe in the future she'll be the one," Jacob shrugged.
"It's not like that at all," I said "Bizz is just my best friend."
"Okay ow and here I thought I was your best friend," said Jacob.
"Can't I have more than one best friend?" I asked as we walked towards our third period class.
"Well I guess," said Jacob in a teasing tone "Even though I highly doubt she'll be just your best friend in the future."

Elizabeth's POV

I walked into my classroom. I take my seat and as soon as I sit someone sits next to me. I turned my head "Roger what do you want?"
"Hi Elizabeth," said Roger Marshall.
"I repeat what do you want?" I asked.
"I asked Miss. Stefani if I could switch seats and she said yes," he said smiling at me.
I rolled my eyes "Oh joy," I said sarcastically.
"What you're not excited?" asked Roger.
"I'd be excited if you were on the next rocket ship to outer space and they left you there, " I said "But you sitting next to me well I could think of more than a couple of things that are more fun."
"Oh come on Beth," said Roger reaching out to tuck my hair behind my ear "I like you and I was hoping to be your boyfriend."
"No I don't think so," I said pulling back.
"What Elizabeth?" he said his hand still in mid air.
"Don't feed me no cock and bull story and keep your hands to yourself ," I said.
Roger got angry rather quickly "Bitch," he said as he rose.
"I thought you were sitting next to me because Miss. Stefani allowed you to move seats," I said sarcastically and batting my eyelashes .
"Shove it," said Roger " Like I'd actually want to sit next to you? Puh-lease I wouldn't want to sit next to someone like you even if my life depends on it. You're ugly and no guy would ever want you. "
He walked away leaving me a mess of tears. I have such low self esteem that that last line cut like a knife.

"Elizabeth?" asked Miss. Stefani sweetly "Are you okay?"
Elizabeth shook her head "Can I go get a drink of water?" she asked.
"Of course Miss. Stachura," said Miss. Stefani "Go ahead."
"Thank you," said Elizabeth getting up and leaving the classroom.
She runs straight into Zak and Jacob heading to their third period class.
"Bizz?" said Zak holding her at her an arms length "Are you crying?"
Elizabeth frantically shook her head "No," she choked out and not meeting Zak's eyes.
"Elizabeth don't you dare lie to me," he said grabbing her chin and turning her head to him "Jake can we have a minute?"
Jacob nodded "Yeah of course. I will tell Mr. Shelton you had to use the restroom," he said as the halls began to clear out.
Zak pulled Elizabeth into a big hug and she lost it "Shh," said Zak gently and rubbing Elizabeth's back "It's okay. Let it out."

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