124 - Aizawa

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God only knows but you'll never leave her

"So do you want to know how he did or not?" Aizawa asked, as soon as he stepped out of the building with Kaori. He was secretly quite happy about having to work so much lately, because it meant that Kaori was working a lot, too. Which gave them plenty of time in-between to just be alone.

"I'm not sure. Do I want to know?" Kaori replied. Aizawa had no idea what to say to that. He knew she was scared that he'd fail at this attempt, especially since he had put in so much extra effort to get where he wanted to be. But she also struck Aizawa like the kind of person that wouldn't want to know out of spite. Especially since they had kind of been caught by Kaminari and Hitoshi.

"I mean, it's good news if that's what you're asking." he told her. Kaori started smiling widely and nodded.

"Alright, then I want to know." she said. Aizawa knew that she had been worried about how Hitoshi would do. The two of them were close even though it sometimes didn't seem like it. Especially when it came to him and his relationship with Kaori. Hitoshi didn't seem to be a big fan of that.

But well, it was what it was and so far he seemed to be fairly accepting. Or at least he hadn't spilled the beans just yet. Maybe he was actually serious about using that information as blackmail material, who knew. Considering he was Kaori's brother, he definitely wouldn't put it beyond him.

"He did well. He did really well. Of course he wasn't able to show his full potential just yet, but he was well able to keep up with the rest of the two classes, despite not having the same kind of formal training. You can be proud of him. I know I'm proud of him." Aizawa explained with a small smile.

"Really? So he can transfer? Is that official yet?" Kaori asked excitedly, as she climbed into his car. Aizawa followed her, sitting down in the driver's seat. He really hated driving, but with the new dorm system there was no other way, unfortunately. At least it gave him some time with Kaori.

"It's not official yet. I'll have a meeting about it with the rest of the staff soon, but I'd say it's more than likely that he'll transfer." Aizawa answered and started the car. He was a little nervous about the meeting, but Hitoshi had done well. There was no way the rest of the staff wouldn't agree to let him transfer. Honestly, he should have gotten in when he applied for the spot in the course.

But for him the interview was apparently the deciding factor and the interview... well, Hitoshi wasn't a people person. Not at all. Of course he wouldn't do well in an interview like that. If Aizawa's application to the Criminology course had been hinging on the interview he would have never made it into UA. Thankfully the entrance exam when he had applied was rather kind to him.

"That's good to hear. When is the meeting?" Kaori wanted to know. Aizawa shrugged. He didn't really have a time planned for that yet. It was more an issue of getting everyone together.

"I'm trying to have it some time next week. Hopefully I can find a time where everyone is free." Aizawa replied. Kaori smiled and leaned back, stretching her arms over her head, before moving her seat backwards until she was in an almost horizontal position. Aizawa watched her with a raised eyebrow. What the hell was she trying to do? She better put that seat back up...

"What is that supposed to be?" he asked her. Kaori looked up at him with a big, satisfied smile.

"I'm getting comfy." she told him, obviously proud of herself for some reason. Aizawa sighed and smiled at her. She looked tired and had obviously been up all night again. She seemed exhausted.

But she seemed so happy right now, it made his heart skip a beat. Her leg was almost back to normal. She could walk normally again without a limb and she was slowly but surely getting her old flexibility and strength back. Aizawa knew she had spent a lot of sleepless nights in the gym, training. She had been working so hard to make sure that she was going to be okay again...

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