70 - Aizawa

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Keep on dreaming, don't stop giving, fight those demons

Aizawa couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen. It wasn't really completely clear what was going on, it seemed like the news people had only just gotten to the scene that very instant. But all he could see was a whole block of buildings just completely in ruins. There was debris everywhere and rubble.

And in the middle of it, a small person. Blond hair, old and leaning over, looking like he was coughing. Toshinori Yagi. There was another one at the other end of the field of debris, slowly approaching Yagi now. Who the hell was that? He was wearing a mask and looked like he was getting oxygen through that. Like he would be extremely vulnerable if anyone took that mask away.

"What is going on? Is that...?" Kaori asked. He glanced back at her. She was standing in front of him, trying to make out some details on the screen. Aizawa wished he had an answer to her question, he really did.

"Looks like it. They got the paperwork through quickly, then." Aizawa muttered. Where the hell was that? And where was Bakugou? Was he there? Was he safe? Did they already get him out?

"We're here at this nightmarish scene! Half of Kamino Ward was destroyed in the blink of an eye!" the news announcer said. The place looked completely wrecked. And it seemed like it wasn't even safe to try and take care of anyone that might be buried under all that rubble yet.

"Toshinori Yagi is currently in a shoot-out with the suspect behind all this destruction. It looks like he got hit, but he is still standing! It's hard to believe that a single person could obliterate several high-rise buildings and get into an open shoot-out with the Symbol of Peace himself..."

The people around him in the bar started talking to each other. Everyone was watching this. Everyone had something to say, it seemed. Aizawa just grabbed his bottle of beer and started sipping from it.

"Man, Yagi looks beat up..."

"Where the hell is Kamino anyways?"

"Well, I guess I've got the day off tomorrow..."

"What's the police even doing? Where are they?"

"It's just one thing after the other lately, huh?"

"The police are just slacking off. Didn't you see them in the press conference earlier? Bunch of slackers."

Aizawa glanced down at Kaori who seemed more and more agitated. There was no doubt that all these people were getting to her with their stupid comments. Maybe staying in this place wasn't a great idea, but Aizawa just needed to know what was going on. And he was sure that Kaori would prefer that, too.

He put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed it gently, before bending down to be able to talk to her without being too loud. He didn't really want to draw more attention than necessary.

"Don't listen to them. They have no idea what they're saying. They weren't there when it happened and they're not there now." he whispered quietly into her ear. He smiled a little when he saw the goosebumps that had started to form on her neck. Seeing her flustered always felt like a personal achievement. She leaned into his touch slightly before turning her head ever so slightly, so he would be able to hear her better. They were so close now, it almost flustered him.

"Do you think... do you think Yagi will be okay? And where the hell is Bakugou? Is he... is he buried under all that?" she asked, sounding horrified at the thought of the student slowly dying under the collapsed buildings.

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