24 - Shinsou

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I'm gonna light the dynamite, I'm gonna break through

Kaori Shinsou was really fucking annoyed. All she wanted was to go home, see the kittens and go to bed to get some fucking sleep. But her brother Hitoshi seemed to have other plans. And she couldn't be mad, because he had come to the hospital and waited for her and he was her brother.

That's what Hitoshi said at least. Kaori was still somewhat mad at him. Why the hell did he need a fucking fancy coffee now of all times? Kaori could think of the reason, but still. Was he really that thirsty? Somehow she had thought her brother was better than that. But maybe, she was the last person that could talk about being thirsty. After all, she was shamelessly thirsting after her professor.

"My God, Toshi, do we really have to go? I'm just so fucking tired, I need some damn sleep, so I can head to my Criminal Psychology lecture in the afternoon and just be done with this day. Come on, dude, the one week where I can actually sleep during the day and you drag me along to get coffee?" Kaori nagged him, as they were getting closer to their favourite coffee shop.

It was super close to their home (thankfully!) and it was also the place this blond guy worked at. Denki Kaminari. Honestly, Kaori had no idea what Hitoshi saw in him, but her little brother had been smitten for years and even more so since he had realised that Kaminari was going to U.A. as well.

"Come on, it's his shift right now and it's really quiet, so maybe I'll get a chance to talk to him or something. Plus, I'm extremely tired and need this coffee." Hitoshi said, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Sure. Let's go visit your boy-toy, so." Kaori mumbled. The next thing she knew she got a smack up her head. She kind of expected it, but still wasn't really prepared for it. It kinda hurt.

"He's not my boy-toy!" Hitoshi protested. Kaori rubbed her head, her face still twisted theatrically in pain.

"Ouch, I just got out of the hospital and you hit me up the head? Fuck, Toshi, you're such an ass sometimes." Kaori complained, glancing up to see whether Hitoshi would actually try and act remorseful. He just rolled his eyes and shrugged.

"Stop being melodramatic, you bruised your shoulder, not your head." he replied in an indifferent voice.


"You know you love me."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Kaori couldn't be genuinely mad at Hitoshi for something dumb and small like this. Unfortunately he knew that and took advantage of it, whenever he saw fit. Even her annoyance at having to go out for coffee with him slowly faded. Maybe she had gone past the point of being ready to pass out and now wouldn't be tired for another five hours. This always happened to her.

"Sorry about dragging you along, but I really, really need this coffee right now. Plus, mum and dad are home at the moment and I don't wanna wake them accidentally and have to explain why we're both awake and all that." Hitoshi suddenly said, as he opened the door to the coffee shop.

"It's fine, Toshi, I think I'm getting over it. Slowly. I also really don't wanna explain the night shift to mum and dad. They'll end up telling me to go back to one of the prisons and while Tartarus was fun, I'm pretty happy where I am now." Kaori told him and walked into the coffee shop.

Hitoshi followed her. The coffee shop wasn't very well lit at this time of the morning. After all it was around 5 am and while the first few people were coming in to get their morning coffee, they wouldn't be lingering, as they usually had places to be. So only the counter was really well-lit.

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