97 - Dabi

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I guess you like to watch things burn

Dabi was leaning against the wall, flicking his lighter open and closing it again. He was bored out of his skull, waiting for this idiot. Sure, if he was honest about all this, he could be a great asset for the League. But Dabi didn't trust this guy.

He was some big deal. Still at U.A. but up and coming and people loved him. Sure, he also was pretty known for some shady business, but no one really seemed to mind that. Not when he was just so lovable. Dabi wanted to throw up, thinking about it. He really wasn't sure how much he liked this Takami guy.

Then again there weren't that many people he actually liked, so Takami was probably not special in that regard. It still really irked Dabi that he was coming from the other side... and volunteering intel to them. It seemed dodgy. It seemed too good to be true. Honestly, if it was up to Dabi he would have gotten rid of him long ago.

But Shigaraki was too curious for his own good. He wanted to know what this guy was about and he didn't think there was any harm to it. Well, Dabi also didn't like Shigaraki. He had to admit that he was kind of growing on him, though.

Some other noises mixed in with the clicking of his lighter. Dabi looked up and saw him approaching. Keigo Takami. Blond, shaggy hair, a good bit of stubble on his chin, clothes like some mix of a pimp and a surfer, stupid looking sunglasses (it was night, for fuck's sake!) and dopey looking brown eyes behind them.

"Oi, Dabi!" he greeted him, a cigarette between his lips. Dabi shifted his weight, still leaning against the wall.

"You're late." was all he said. He hated when anyone wasted his time, especially a happy-go-lucky guy like this.

"Well, not that easy to get away from work without people getting suspicious. I can be on time next time if you want me to bring five cars full of cops in riot gear along." he replied with a shrug.

"Let's make one thing clear. I don't trust you. Not even close. So before we tell you anything and before you meet anyone else, you'll have to prove that you're serious about this." Dabi said.

"Sure thing. What do you want me to do? As long as it doesn't blow my cover, it's all good." Takami answered with a self-satisfied grin on his lips, as he finished his cigarette and threw it to the ground, stomping it out with his boot. Dabi watched every little thing he did with disgust.

He probably wouldn't care, but just... this guy riled him up like no one else. He couldn't even put his finger on what exactly he didn't like about him. Something about him just drove him up the walls.

"We're planning to test some new Nomu. How about you provide us a stage. Get someone pretty important in the police force to this factory by the river. We wanna see just how good they are." Dabi replied, smirking.

"Factory by the river, huh? Would've thought water isn't your favourite." Takami muttered and crossed his arms.

"Don't be stupid. I don't care much for it, but I don't hate it. So. Can you do it?" Dabi wanted to know. He was sure that Takami would chicken out. He was the kind of guy that was overly cautious, always talking about long-term strategy... Dabi called bullshit on that. Takami was trying to infiltrate them, nothing more and nothing less. And he was not doing a great job hiding it.

"Sure. I'm going to have to support whichever guy I bring, you're aware of that, right? I can't blow my cover in front of them. Not if you want me to give you guys more intel on what's happening in the force." Takami replied.

"Of course, that's clear. I'll let you know about the time later on. You better be there or we might move onto some civilians to test the Nomu on..." Dabi answered with a grin and started flicking his lighter open and shut again. Takami just shrugged and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Not my problem, if a few civilians die. As long as none of that's brought in connection with me. You don't seem to realize that I am actually sympathizing with you guys. I'm not just pretending." Takami replied with a smug grin on his face. Dabi really wished he could put a few burn scars on that pretty little face.

"We'll see about that." Dabi just replied. He couldn't wait until this guy was gone and he could go back to whatever arbitrary thing he had been doing beforehand. He hated when someone interrupted his free time like this.

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