108 - Aizawa

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It will take a while

To make you smile

Shouta Aizawa wasn't sure how long he had been sitting around in the waiting area. He wasn't sure whether he should be happy that Kaori was getting better or whether he should be anxious about what the doctors would say. Sure, she could work the same job, even with a limp, but he'd hate having to leave her behind for the actual police operations, knowing she'd beat herself up about it.

And he was anxious about her meeting Eri. He knew that he would freak out if Kaori decided to have a child - either by getting pregnant or taking one in. So he felt really bad about agreeing to this, without even talking to her. On the other hand, there wasn't really anything else he could do. Except letting Eri go into foster care and that was the last thing he was going to let happen.

He sometimes wondered whether the doctors had already caught on to his affair with his student. Relationship. Whatever. He barely just admitted to himself that he might actually love her, he wasn't going to admit it to her. Probably not for the next decade or something. He was usually good at reading other people's feelings, but he was shit at handling his own emotions.

It felt like an eternity until the door opened again and Kaori came outside, a tiny smile on her lips. The doctor looked quite happy, too. Was that... Did that mean...? That could only mean some good news for her, couldn't it?

"Do you want to tell him the good news yourself?" the doctor asked her. She nodded enthusiastically. Her eyes looked kind of glassy... had she been crying? Aizawa wanted to hug her and kiss her and just hold her close, but he knew that he couldn't do that. Not yet. Not until they were back outside the hospital.

"Good news?" Aizawa asked. Kaori nodded again and chuckled a little. She seemed so happy, it brought a smile to his face.

"I can go back to work on the weekend. And I'll definitely heal almost completely, if not completely. I just need to stick to doing my stretches. So you're not getting your office back to yourself just yet." she answered, a gleeful expression on her face. Aizawa couldn't stop the wide smile spreading on his face.

"That's great! I told you, you'd be fine, Ka- Shinsou. Make sure you stick to your exercise routine, though." he said, just about catching himself before realizing that he had almost called her by her first name.

"I will. Don't worry. And I'm sure you'll remind me every single day, Mr. Aizawa." she replied, rolling her eyes. The doctor looked back and forth between them and Aizawa wasn't sure if he could see some sort of suspicion in his eyes or not. Well, even if he was suspicious, he had no proof.

"Well, Miss Shinsou, I'm sure you'll do them, just as I said. You wouldn't have gotten this much better if you hadn't done them. So, are you both off to see little Eri now?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah. Shinsou here is going to take over looking after here, at least partially, so I can teach at least a few classes. I suppose you won't have to grade papers or anything during that time. You'll have to catch up on your own classes, after all." Aizawa said to her. He hadn't really thought of a good schedule for this yet, all he knew was that he wanted her to be at the hospital and take it easy for a while. Looking after Eri was going to be a relaxed job for Kaori.

"Well, you know where to go, professor. Good luck." the doctor said, before returning into his room. Kaori was grinning like mad. Had she really not expected to get back to normal? Injuries like the one she had gotten were annoying, Aizawa knew that. But they were usually not that serious.

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