111 - Aizawa

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This is how to disappear

Shouta Aizawa would have thought that the school festival would be a pretty calm affair this year. Unfortunately, it wasn't. And it wasn't even (completely) the fault of his course. It was everything. The whole day had started stressful. He had to pick up Mirio Togata and then get Eri from the hospital, which meant he had to get up much earlier than everyone else, because he had to be back to supervise his students, once they got to work on their little concert.

And while he was supervising them, he also had to have an eye on Eri and Mirio. To top it all off, Kaori was hanging around him as well and while she was the least of his worries, she was running around more than he would have liked, especially considering the state her leg was in.

His students were running around like a bunch of frightened chickens and he had no idea why or what was going on. They seemed panicked, but Aizawa honestly wasn't sure whether he should ask why. Because if something was wrong, it would be his problem and he could do without that.

"I don't think I can do it. I surely won't be able to do it with everyone watching." he heard Yaoyorozu saying, as she was trying to calm her breathing. Kaminari was standing in a corner screeching earlier, but it seemed that he had somehow managed to cope. Mirio and Eri were still around and he could have an eye on them. He let his eyes wander over the campus.

"Yo, Shinsou, hold this!"

"Seriously, if we don't get this as safe as possible you're definitely going to die. If everything goes according to plan there's only like... a 50% chance you'll die."

"50%? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"50% chance you'll die, 50% chance you won't."

"You put that up the wrong way, you shithead!"

Aizawa sighed. There was way too much going on around him and he didn't like it. His brain was telling him to keep an eye on everyone and his rational mind told him that that wasn't possible and that he should just stick with the people he was responsible for. Too bad he felt responsible for everyone.

"Hey, Mr. Aizawa!" he heard Mirio calling out for him, just as he was about to go and see what all his students were up to. Damn it. Would he even be able to get a break at this rate? This was why he hated the school festival. Every single year it was the same thing. Absolutely horrendous.

"What is it, Togata?" he asked and looked down at Eri who seemed a little frightened by everything going on around them. She was holding his hand tightly, as she seemed to be taking everything in.

"Eri wants to know if she can see Midoriya, Sir. Do you know where he is?" Mirio asked. Aizawa sighed. When he mentioned Midoriya, he already had some sort of dark premonition. It was usually not too difficult to find him, so the fact that they didn't know where he was... was concerning.

"I know as much as you do. Come on, let's go and look for him. Give me a second..." he muttered, looking around for Kaori. Where the hell had she run off to? He glanced around the outdoor area when he spotted her with her brother.

"Shinsou!" he called out, both of them looking up at him, before they looked at each other. It looked like Hitoshi was saying something to which Kaori punched his upper arm, before she made her way over to Aizawa. It was difficult not to smile widely when he watched her approaching them.

She looked absolutely gorgeous. Apparently the murder mystery they were doing was 50s-themed, so she was wearing the most beautiful red pencil dress that perfectly showed off her curves. Aizawa couldn't wait until the festival was over and he could take that dress off her and tie her up. He had no idea how he was going to survive the entire festival with her looking like this.

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