120 - Hitoshi Shinsou

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And go about the world like I'm havin' fun

Hitoshi Shinsou was laying wide awake at night. Normally he had no idea why he couldn't sleep, but right now he knew exactly what the reason was that kept him up at night. And it was not Denki (for once).

He had the training session with the two basic training courses tomorrow. And that would be the deciding factor in whether he could transfer next year or not. He honestly wasn't even sure what the hell he was doing with his life anymore. And now he had even made some friends in his Psychology course and he was sad about having to leave them behind and... ugh. It sucked.

He groaned and was just about to bury his head underneath his pillow in frustration when he heard a knock at his door. What the actual fuck? Who would go and visit him this late at night? Denki didn't sneak out of his dorm, did he? That dumbass, he was going to get caught and Hitoshi wasn't about to take any chances of getting involved in that. He decided to ignore the knocking.

But then the knocking didn't stop and there was no way that he could go to sleep with that kind of noise in the background (not that he could go to sleep anyway, but whoever was on the other side of the door didn't know that - presumably). He sighed and slowly got up and dragged his feet on the floor as he made his way towards the door. He opened it slightly and peeked into the hallway.

Chickuchi Tokeige was standing in front of his door, as if it wasn't 3 in the morning right now. Hitoshi raised an eyebrow. What did she want? He liked Tokeige, she was fun to hang out with, but what was she doing here at 3 am? Then again, she was the kind of person that wouldn't even realize what time it was.

"Hey, Shinsou. You busy or something?" she asked, chewing on her lip a little, before raising her eyebrows when he didn't answer. Hitoshi wasn't really sure what to tell her, because yes, most people were busy at 3 am. Sleeping. But then again, Hitoshi didn't sleep all that much and everyone knew that.

"Not really." he replied with a sigh. There was no point in making up an excuse. And what was he going to do on his own? He couldn't sleep anyway. Maybe Tokeige would tire him out or something.

"Can I come in?" she wanted to know. Oh yeah. Right. He was still looking through a crack in the door like he was expecting to get robbed any second. As if that would happen at UA. Not with all the security around lately.

"Yeah, sure." he said and opened the door for her. Chikuchi Tokeige looked like she wanted to maintain some stylish short hair cut, but was too lazy to actually get her hair cut, so she just had medium length hair that was layered in strange places. But Tokeige also couldn't be bothered to sort it out, so she just tied it all together and stopped caring about it. Hitoshi liked Tokeige.

He closed the door behind her, as she sauntered in like she owned the place and plopped herself down on the bed. Hitoshi sighed and grabbed his office chair, spinning it around to face Tokeige, before sitting down and turning on the light at his desk. There was no point in even trying to get any sleep now.

"So, Tokeige. How can I help you?" he asked her, pointing the desk light at her, as if he was interrogation her.

"Fuck off with that light, Shinsou, damn it!" she protested and shielded her eyes. Hitoshi chuckled and turned the light away from her again.

"Sorry. It felt cooler than it actually was." he said to her, while she was shaking her head quickly.

"You're such a fucking dumbass sometimes, seriously. I don't even know how you made it into UA. It's fucking ridiculous." she muttered, but then looked up at him again with a big grin on her face.

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