58 - Dabi

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Play these little games

It was a clear night and the stars were shining brightly in the dark night sky. It had been easy to find them - way too easy. Dabi wanted to do it already - just burn the whole place down. It would look so much more beautiful engulfed in flames. But they had to wait a little longer. It would be much bigger than that.

He didn't much like Shigaraki, but for the time being it was probably easier to go along with him. The rest of the group weren't really Dabi's kind of people either, but for now he just had to go along with it. They were supposed to act as a group, right? They could at least try to get along.

"I mean, I don't like this. It's not cute." a young girl complained. She was wearing a school uniform (even though it looked pretty tattered and untidy) and pulled on her face mask. Himiko Toga could be a total pain.

"This was orchestrated by the designer behind the scenes, right? Appearances don't matter as long as it makes sense." a small and skinny guy in a complete gas mask commented. No one really knew his name, but he went by Mustard. Apparently he had to go into hiding, because he had been experimenting with chemical weapons and law enforcement was looking for him after seizing all his materials. He seemed useful enough with his skill for lethal gases.

"I'm not talking about that! I just don't want to wear this!" Toga protested, waving her arms around angrily.

"Hi! Sorry for the wait!" another guy suddenly said. Dabi turned around. He was with someone in a full latex mask, his mouth held open by some weird metal things. Why did Shigaraki seem to attract all these weirdos?

"Work... work..." he was mumbling, as if he was completely unaware of his surroundings and trapped in some psychotic daydream.

Dabi sighed and turned around to see the other two that had arrived already. Shuichi Iguchi was a small guy, absolute Stain fanboy and had a strangely leathery skin. It made Dabi really uncomfortable how leathery his skin was. The other one was currently wrapped in a dark black coat and had a mask over his face. Dabi had thought it was a little dramatic at first.

Until he learnt who was hiding beneath that mask. He never said his real name, but he went by Muscular and people were looking for him left, right and center, since he managed to wipe out an entire village in the most brutal and bloodthirsty way imaginable. He had been on the run ever since.

"That makes seven." Dabi announced, after going over the numbers in his head. Muscular turned to him, his voice shivering.

"I don't care, just let me at 'em. I'm getting too pumped up." he growled in a deep voice. He had been itching to kill since he had first joined the League and over time this had only gotten worse. Dabi knew that he would eventually go rogue, if they didn't get started on this soon.

"Shut up, you crazy bastards. Not yet..." Dabi said, half turning back to the rest of them. They all seemed impatient. He really hoped he could keep them under control until everything was ready for the plan.

"We'll move when all ten of us are here. Gathering a bunch of punks who are just strong will only increase the risk. It's better to have a small group of experienced elites." Dabi announced as he let his eyes wander over the forest, noticing the house at the foot of the mountain. All of them were probably sleeping soundly right now, not a care in the world. That would soon change.

"First, we make them realize that their peace is resting in our hands..." Dabi said and then trailed off. He imagined seeing all of this burn. The whole forest, up in flames, and then the whole world. It looked so beautiful in his head. It would be so beautiful once it was done. And Dabi would make sure that it would happen.

He would make sure that everything would burn and that the world knew that he was the one who did it.

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