81 - Aizawa

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I cheated myself

Aizawa had been planning to take her out for dinner, he really had. But things went kind of differently. He had met her in the school parking lot and they had made their way to Naruhata through Hosu, simply because Aizawa was that paranoid about being seen by anyone and having to explain why he was in a car with a student on the way to his apartment in Naruhata, when said student lived in Hosu. At least this way he could still pretend that he was just giving her a lift. Even though it was still pretty suspicious if anyone saw them.

Then the plan was to get some nice food at a fancy restaurant and then head to work, since they had both been given the night shift at the station. But Aizawa had known that his plan was doomed the minute he had seen her leaning against his car in his shirt that was so big on her that it almost completely covered the short skirt she was wearing. He knew then and there they wouldn't get out of the apartment until they had to go to work again. And that's where they still were.

Kaori was resting her head on his chest, still breathing heavily. She smiled up at him, a mischievous, devilish little grin and Aizawa was in a right mind to take her again, until she was screaming his name. If he hadn't been pretty exhausted right now. Maybe in half an hour.

"I should wear that shirt more often. I was going to give it back to you, but I might just keep it." she said to him.

"You can keep it under one condition." Aizawa replied. He didn't want to sound super paranoid, but he also didn't want to risk losing his job. And that shirt? It was suspicious as hell.

"And what would that be?" she wanted to know.

"Don't wear it on campus. Maybe I'm a little paranoid here, but it seems risky. People might ask questions... and I'm pretty sure that Yamada would know that it's actually my shirt. He has a weird memory for things like this." he explained. Kaori chuckled and propped herself up on her elbow.

"Alright then. Not wearing that shirt on campus. Got it. Any other new rules?" she asked and pressed a kiss to his cheek. Aizawa smiled at her and pulled her petite body on top of him, running his hand along her spine.

"Hm... Act normal? I don't know, I guess, we'll have to see how things go. We'll have some extra time together anyway, since you're officially my TA now." he said, a smirk on his lips. He had almost forgotten about that, but he was looking forward to having her around to grade papers and prepare lessons.

"Oh, so what kind of things will I be assisting you with, professor?" she cooed, trailing a finger down his chest, carefully feeling one of his many scars. They'd probably never get anything done like this.

"How about you check the time? Can't be late for work after the whole summer camp disaster."

Kaori moved to the side and grabbed her phone from the pile of clothes on the floor. She looked at it and it seemed to take her a moment to fully realize what time it was. She then sat up straight, the blanket loosely draped around her waist, her long hair falling out of her bun.

"Oh shit. It's already 8. That's late, isn't it?" she said. Aizawa groaned. 8. That meant they wouldn't even manage to get dinner. They'd have to get something on the way and eat it in the office.

"We have to get ready. You wanna take a shower first? I can order us some takeaway, too, and we can collect it on the way to the office." he offered. She nodded and got up, picking up her bra from the floor and rummaging through her bag.

"Sounds like a good plan to me. What takeaways are on the way?" she wanted to know, as she pulled her uniform out of the backpack she had brought. Aizawa thought for a second. There was almost anything you could think of.

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