61 - Aizawa

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Watch your back when you can't watch mine

"Ugh, I was so looking forward to competing with the other class!" Ashido complained as she walked into the classroom, followed by the rest of the remedial class. Kirishima sighed and plopped into his chair.

"Didn't you say there was a carrot and a stick? Where's the carrot?" he whined and let his forehead drop onto the desk.

"I'd even take salty licorice... give us a treat, Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari said next. Aizawa looked up at them with a frown.

"Salty licorice is delicious." was all he said to them.

"No taste..." Kaminari muttered under his breath and shook his head. Kaori who was sitting in the front of the class turned around to him.

"Excuse me, but if you don't like salty licorice then you're the one with no taste. I can't believe you're trying to date my brother and don't like salty licorice!" she protested loudly. Aizawa smiled to himself.

"You're crazy, woman!" Kaminari just replied.

"Alright, alright, quiet down everyone." Aizawa said, interrupting their conversation about various treats.

"For tonight's lesson I will drill into you how to behave in an emergency. If you don't become more self-aware that you're falling behind the others then the difference between you will grow larger. In a broad sense this is also kind of a treat. Like a mint-flavored one." he told them.

"But mint tastes good..." Kirishima muttered. No one had any time to reply, because suddenly the door opened and Monoma was standing right in front of it. Aizawa wanted to kick him out right away, because he was an annoying piece of work, but he couldn't do that. Unfortunately.

"Oh, that's weird! Even though course A is supposed to be better, there were five people who failed? Even though there was only one person from class B? That's so weird!" he exclaimed as he sauntered into the classroom, Kan following close behind. Kirishima glared at him.

"He said the same thing trying to provoke us yesterday." he muttered.

"I'd like to know what his mental state is..." Ashido whispered, sounding almost concerned about him. Aizawa sighed. Right. He had to do this now and Kan would be here, might as well get him to cooperate.

"Kan, I want to add some practice maneuvers this time." he started, but Kan was having none of it.

"I was thinking about that, too. You don't have to tell me that-"

"Everyone!" the loud speaker suddenly came alive.

"That's Sosaki..." Aizawa mumbled, recognizing the voice. What the hell was going on? She'd only use this in an emergency...

"I like this, sounds like it's gonna get exciting!" Mina commented with a giggle. Kaori looked a little more concerned.

"It's kind of annoying that it only works in one direction and we don't have little radios or something..." Kaminari replied.

"Quiet." Aizawa said, trying to listen to what Sosaki was about to tell them. It had to be something important.

"We're being attacked by two people that are not authorized to be here. It's possible that there are more. Everyone that can move, get back to camp immediately! Even if you come across anyone, retreat and do not engage!" she said, repeating the message from the start after this.

"Is this... real?" Sero asked and looked over to Kaori. She just shrugged, but looked concerned. Aizawa had to do something.

"Kan, I'm leaving this place to you. Shinsou, help out Kan, but be on standby, in case we need help. I'll go protect the other students." he said and made his way out of the classroom. He heard Monoma muttering about something.

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