122 - Shinsou

133 7 5

So you can always remember how it felt to be there

"Yo, Takami! I heard you got your 15 minutes of fame lately." Kaori yelled when she saw her blond friend walk through the cafeteria. Takami turned around and looked at her with a slight grin.

"I heard you can walk again." he replied and waved at her, before getting his food, indicating he was going to actually join them. Kaori sighed. Takami had always been popular, but lately he had risen to new heights of popularity after working together with Todoroki in that attack in the city.

"You really wanna attract all his fangirls to this table?" Uehara wanted to know with a raised eyebrow. Kaori just shrugged and leaned back in her chair. Her leg was almost working like it used to again and she had even managed to start up her training again. She couldn't care less about some fangirls.

"We've been the official Takami fanclub since like... forever. We got first dibs. He doesn't get to ditch us just like that, 'cause he's all famous now. " Kaori said. Uehara grinned and shook her head.

"I'm pretty sure we've been the unofficial Professor Aizawa fanclub until now." she countered.

"When did we stop being that?" Kawano chimed in with a sigh. Kaori looked at Uehara, because she surely didn't know when they stopped being Shouta's personal fanclub. She never stopped fangirling for him.

"When Kaori got her secret boyfriend. Nishiyama is where the fanclub's at now." Uehara explained, rolling her eyes as if it was obvious. Kaori felt her eye twitching. Nishiyama? That bitch?

"Hold up. Can we not give Nishiyama that kind of responsibility? Because I don't like the thought of her leading the Aizawa fanclub." Kaori interjected. Uehara giggled and smirked at her.

"Oooh, so you still got a thing for Aizawa, huh?" she teased her. Kaori sighed. It would be weird if she didn't have a thing for him anymore. Especially since they fucked on campus a few days ago.

"Of course I do. Have you looked at him lately? He's fucking hot." she replied with a self-satisfied grin. She sure had looked a lot at him lately. Talking to her friends about how hot her professor was gave her some weird kick, especially since she was the only one knowing that they actually had a thing going on. Just knowing that it was their secret and theirs alone.

"He is. It's almost like... the more tired he is, the hotter he is. It's not fair. When I'm tired I just look like shit." Uehara sighed. Kawano was shaking his head, hearing the two of them talking like that.

"I can't believe how much you're objectifying the prof." he muttered.

"Yeah, same." Takami suddenly chimed in from behind Kaori, making her jump. She hadn't really expected him to make it over to them so fast. But then again, expectations were never much help when it came to him.

"Hey, big famous guy. How are things?" she wanted to know. Takami just shrugged and sat down with his food.

"I don't even know. I sort of got fixed up at the hospital after everything and they sent me back home the same day. Honestly, I don't know, I might be slowly dying." he replied with a sigh.

"That bad?" Uehara wanted to know.

"Did you see the fight?" Kawano asked incredulously. Uehara only shrugged and shook her head.

"No, I didn't. I was busy doing my assignments while Kao-chan was getting high as fuck with the first years." she replied. Kaori gasped dramatically. There was no need to out her like that!

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