31 - Shinsou

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Loving me is all you need to feel

There were a lot of thoughts spinning in Kaori Shinsou's head at this moment. She tried to focus on the question at hand. Was she feeling okay? How the hell was she supposed to know? She was feeling pretty dizzy and she probably shouldn't be finishing that drink, but she really wanted to stay with Aizawa.

"I'm not sure. I'm not feeling too well." she answered. Aizawa gave her a worried look and pushed the drink on the counter out of her reach.

"Are you feeling sick?" he wanted to know. Kaori shook her head.

"No. I'm just feeling... really dizzy." she said. Aizawa gave her a small smile and ran his hand through his long, black hair. Why was he always so hot? Kaori pressed her thighs together, knowing exactly that that little bit of friction would just end up making matters worse for her.

"Do you want to go home?" Aizawa asked. I wanna go home with you. Kaori thankfully was still sober enough not to say that out loud. The thing was she really didn't want to have to go all the way to Hosu. And Naruhata was so much closer.

"I do. But I don't want to go all the way to Hosu. It's too far." she answered. Aizawa sighed and then smiled a little.

"My place is closer." he said. Kaori smiled at him. That was exactly what she wanted to hear. She leaned closer to him, so she could whisper into his ear. It was difficult, considering that she had a hard time not falling off her bar stool, but it had the advantage that Aizawa was holding onto her waist to keep her steady.

"Why don't we go to your place then?" she asked.

"I think I'd like that. You wait here, I'll go and call us a taxi." he replied. He was so close to her that his breath on her skin was sending shivers down her spine. This man was just... doing things to her.

"Sounds good to me. I'll stay right here and won't touch any more drinks." Kaori said to him. He smiled.

"Good girl."

Aizawa walked away to a corner that was a little quieter. Kaori watched him take his phone out of his pocket and make his phone call. She couldn't believe she was actually going home with him. To his apartment. With Shouta Aizawa himself. The professor she had been pining over for the last four years.

Thankfully she hadn't lost control over her mind completely yet. She still had to let Hitoshi know that she was leaving, otherwise he'd send a search party after her and that would not be good. She grabbed the small bag that was slung over her stool and got out her phone. It would probably be easiest to send him a text.

>>Hey, Tshi, heading hine noe. Gping t Uehara;a placw no eed to worrt.<<

She looked over the text and was painfully aware that it was obvious how drunk she was, but she didn't have the energy or mental capacity to correct it. It was close enough, she was sure that Hitoshi would know what she meant anyway.

"You ready to go?" she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw Aizawa standing there. She nodded and hopped down from her bar stool, almost falling over in the process. Aizawa had to help her regain her balance.

"You really did go overboard with drinks, huh? Did you bring a jacket?" he asked her. She shook her head no. It had been so warm, she hadn't even thought of bringing a jacket or anything. She saw Aizawa taking off his suit jacket and draping it over her shoulders. She smiled at him and pulled it closer around her as he helped her make her way through the crowds and outside.

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