21 - Aizawa

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Traumatized, ain't gonna hide how I feel

Shouta Aizawa was slightly concerned about the reckless driving of this Hirota guy. He was also too tired to really give a damn, so he just hoped he knew what he was doing and not kill both of them. He had no idea how Shinsou could put up with his driving. From what he heard they often did night shifts together.

He wondered whether those incidents that seemed to have sprung up all of a sudden were really related to Stain. It seemed unusual enough, but then again this was not his typical modus operandi. The whole dilemma was, however, that being so close to getting caught could have altered his modus operandi. It was a gamble, either way. There were way more patrol cars in Hosu City than usual and the district had gotten back up from other cities, as well.

"So, uh... you think Stain has anything to do with these reports?" Hirota suddenly asked. Aizawa glanced over at him. He had been appreciating the silence in the car so far, but apparently Hirota didn't enjoy it as much. He seemed nervous, almost on edge. What the hell had Shinsou told him?

"Not necessarily. He won't be involved in any of them. But since he's been nearly caught last time, he is probably trying to set these up as distractions. If I was to guess, I'd say he'd either set this up or is going to take advantage of it. I'd suspect him to carry out his murder somewhere close by. The whole point being that police will be nearby and on the streets, but since we will be busy with these other incidents, he'll have all the time in the world to kill in front of our eyes." Aizawa explained.

"Huh. Then why are we going there?" Hirota wanted to know.

"Because someone has to and chances are that he'll be close by, so we might get lucky and stumble upon him."

It was at that moment that Shouta Aizawa had an epiphany. And it wasn't good. This thought had always been at the back of his head, ever since he was looking over all that paperwork with his students' internships. But at the time he had been too distracted by Shinsou turning up for detention that he hadn't actually fully made the connection. And at this stage he could only hope he was wrong.

It had suddenly occurred to him that one of his students had chosen to do his internship in one of the smaller Hosu police stations. Which wasn't too odd in itself, if it hadn't been for that student getting much, much better offers. And if that student hadn't been Tenya Iida - Tensei Iida's younger brother.

"Holy shit..." he suddenly heard Hirota say, as he stopped the car. Aizawa looked out of the front window and saw what could only be described as a giant going randomly after citizens that were out on the streets.

This guy was probably well over 2 metres tall and was probably just as wide. He looked somewhat similar to that one massive guy that had been with the League and basically knocked him out completely. Aizawa gulped audibly and glanced over at Hirota to see whether he had heard him. Hirota seemed too busy staring at this guy in absolute fear, though.

"Time to get out, I suppose." Aizawa said and took a deep breath. Everything inside him - from his brain to his still aching bones - was telling him to leg it out of there. Just run and never come back.

But that wasn't really an option, especially since there seemed to be several fires not far away. Aizawa couldn't be 100% sure, but they were most likely related to whatever the hell was going on here. With a sigh he got out of the car. There were two more police teams currently at the scene and they seemed to be struggling. Why did he always get dragged into things like that when Tsukauchi was around?

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