119 - Shinsou

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She's just that type of girl

Kaori Shinsou woke up with a scream. She had done the thing, she had snuck into Shouta's dorm room and stayed there, and gone to bed and actually managed to fall asleep, but she still had nightmares. But now she felt at least somewhat awake. She sat up and looked around.

Shouta wasn't back yet. Y/N had no idea what time it was, but where the hell was he? It was already dark outside, so it had to be late enough. That was when Kaori realized that someone was working away at unlocking the door. She had left the key inside which meant it couldn't be opened. Oops.

She quickly got up out of bed, realizing she must have stolen one of Shouta's pullovers and put it on before going to bed. She couldn't even remember doing that, that's how tired she was. It was one of those weeks where she just slept continuously, probably to make up for all the sleep she lost during the rest of her life.

"Sorry, forgot that I can't leave the key in. How long did you wait?" she asked quietly as she opened the door. Shouta was drenched. Had it been raining outside? Kaori hadn't even realized.

"It's fine. Was only trying for about five minutes." he replied with a sigh and quickly came inside, so no one would see them talking. He didn't turn on the lights and Kaori was thankful for that because she really liked the dark and comfortable atmosphere that the room had right now.

"You're soaked to the bone, Shou. I didn't even realize it was raining." Kaori said. Shouta sighed, as he took off his jacket and his shoes, before grabbing a towel and rubbing his hair dry.

"Yeah, I was planning to leave earlier, but I just kind of got held up by some of the kids. Started really pouring as soon as I stepped out of the building." he told her and groaned, before a big smile spread on his face, as he looked down at her. He put his hand up to her cheek and pulled her in for a long kiss.

"It's nice to come home and have you there." he said quietly. Kaori's heart felt like it was about to burst. She smiled back at him and returned his kiss, sliding her hand underneath his shirt.

"You're really cold, Shou." she muttered when she felt how icy his skin was underneath that shirt. That rain must have been a total bitch...

"Yeah, it got freezing out there all of a sudden." he said and quickly pulled the shirt over his head. Kaori smiled absentmindedly and traced his muscles with her finger, before looking up into his eyes.

"Maybe I should warm you up." she suggested with a big grin. Shouta's eyes wandered over her body and then back to her eyes. He was definitely thinking about it, as his hand wandered underneath her (well, technically his) pullover and held onto her waist, which made Kaori yelp in surprise.


"Yeah, I told you it was freezing out there." Shouta replied, laughing at her shocked reaction and shaking his head.

"I know, but that doesn't mean you have to demonstrate it like that!" Kaori protested. His hand had been like a fucking ice cube. Just, well, hand-sized. Sure, she had said that about warming him up, but she wasn't sure anymore whether she wanted to do it if he was this cold.

"And what's with that talk of warming me up? Didn't you have some sleep to catch up on?" Shouta asked.

"I can always sleep after that, you know. It's not like I can't stay awake for the life of me. But damn, how about you warm up those hands before you touch me again?" Kaori answered, shivering theatrically.

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